International Course Equivalencies Search

How to use this search tool

The two sections of this search tool work independently of one another. If you search on one section, values in the other section will be automatically cleared.

To search by Nation, City, or Institution:

If you search using the Nation drop-down, all the courses available in that nation will be displayed in the table below. That will also narrow the lists of Cities and Institutions, so you can re-search on more specific fields.

Note: You don't need to choose Nation if you already know the City you wish to search on, and you don't need to choose City if you already know the Institution you wish to search on.

The Narrow by PC Subject option allows you to restrict your results to only show courses in the subject of your choice.

To search by Attribute, Course, or Subject:

Typically, you should only use one of these search fields at a time.

If you choose multiple fields in this section, all the courses that match any of the selected values will be displayed.

That means that if you choose both an attribute and a subject, the results will include a list of all courses with that attribute (regardless of their subject), combined with a list of all courses in that subject (regardless of their attributes).


Please be advised that the database is only a history of courses which have been previously reviewed and does not represent a comprehensive list of courses offered through a program or in a given semester/term. Students should check with the program provider for a full listing of its schedule of course offerings. If a course is not listed, it is the student's responsibility to submit a syllabus or a course description to the Center for International Studies for review.

By Nation, City, or Institution


By Attribute, Course, or Subject (select only one)
