By Attribute, Course, or Subject (select only one)
PC Attribute :
American History Course American Politics Field American Studies Elective American Studies Seminar Approved GST Conc. Course Art History Elective Asian Studies Elective Biology Elective-BA Biology Elective-BS Biology Elective with lab Black Studies Elective Class of 2015: Phil Class of 2015: Soc Sci Comp Govt and Politics Field Conducted in French Conducted in Italian Conducted in Spanish Digital Imaging Course Drawing Course Economics Elective 300 Level Economics Elective 400 Level English Literature Course Environmental Biology Elective European History Course Finance Elective- 400 level Foreign Language Global History Elective Global Studies Elective Health Policy Mgt. Elective History:Post-1715 History: Post 1877 History: Pre-1715 History Elective Humanities Elective Humanities Language International Relations Field Lab Labor Relations Elective Lit Post-1800 Elective Lit Pre-1800 Elective Management Elective Marketing Elective Middle Eastern Studies Elect Music Elective No Core Credit PSY Major- In-Depth PSY Major Elective Photography Course Political Science Elective Political Theory Field QBA2 Elective (Marketing) SCE: Quantitative Reasoning SCE: Self SCE: Social Science SCE: Society SCE: World Seminar Sent for Core Review Social Science Major Elective Sociology Major Elective Studio Theatre Studio UG Core:Civic Engagement UG Core:Diversity UG Core:Ethics UG Core:Fine Arts UG Core:Intensive Writing II UG Core:Nat Sci - Physics UG Core:Nat Sci - Standard UG Core:Oral Communication UG Core:Philosophy UG Core:Quant Reasoning UG Core:Social Science UG Core:Theology 200 level UG Core:Theology 300 level Women's & Gen Stud Humanities Women's & Gen Stud Soc Sci Writing Course
PC Equivalent Course :
- -
ACC-203 - Financial Accounting
ACC-204 - Managerial Accounting
ACC-470 - ST: Financial Analysis
ACC-ELECT - Financial Analysis
APG-101 - Intro Socio-Cultural Anthrplgy
APG-170 - ST:Prehistoric Ireland & Europ
APG-249 - Ethnographic Research Methods
APG-270 - ST: Social Anthropology
APG-309 - Intro Latin Amer Anthropology
APG-370 - ST: Australia Now
APG-395 - Research
APG-470 - ST:Anthropology of Religion
APG-ELECT - Cult.Heritage:Business&Strateg
ARB-101 - Elementary Arabic I
ARH-104 - Asian Art
ARH-170 - ST: Dublin: Museums & Collecti
ARH-270 - ST: Roman Art & Archaeology
ARH-307 - Ancient Mdl East Art & Archlgy
ARH-370 - St: Ancient Greek Architecture
ARH-ELECT - Drawing I: Foundations
ART-170 - ST: Drawing I: Foundations
ART-270 - ST: Printmaking: Etching
ART-370 - ST: Creative Code
ART-ELECT - Drawing I: Foundations
BIN-ELECT - Innovation Thru Design Thinkng
BIO-125 - Microbes and Man
BIO-128 - Food Politics
BIO-215 - Histology and Cytology
BIO-220 - Intro to Tropical Biology
BIO-240 - Marine Biology
BIO-270 - ST:Medical Biotechnology&Drug
BIO-279 - ST:Epigenetics&Impact Hlth&Dis
BIO-310 - Evolution
BIO-320 - Developmental Biology
BIO-340 - Envrnmntl Meth & Stat Analysis
BIO-350 - Animal Behavior
BIO-370 - ST: Life & Evolution
BIO-395 - Research
BIO-403 - Plant Physiology
BIO-405 - Physiology
BIO-416 - Immunology
BIO-444 - Biology of Cancer
BIO-450 - Internship
BIO-451 - Service Learning in Biology
BIO-470 - Neurological Disorder & Diseas
BIO-479 - ST: Nutrition in Exercise
BIO-ELECT - European Environmental Studies
BUS-170 - ST: DataInformed Busn Strategi
BUS-270 - ST: Business in Society
BUS-370 - ST: Principles of Int'l BUS
BUS-450 - Business Internship
BUS-470 - ST: Information Systems
CCC-ARTIC - sent to department
CHM-101 - General Chemistry I
CHM-108 - You Are What You Eat
CHM-309 - Biochemistry I
CHM-321 - Physical Chemistry I
CHM-331 - Advanced Analytical I
CHM-332 - Organic Analysis
CHM-401 - Inorganic Chemistry
CLA-281 - Greek and Roman Mythology
CLA-ELECT - Grk&Roman Mythology & Religion
COM-100 - Introduction to Communication
COM-270 - ST: Comm & Global Competence
COM-301 - Media and Society
COM-370 - ST: Digital Media Industries
COM-ARTIC - sent to department
COM-ELECT - TV Commnctn & Media in Austria
CSC-120 - Applied Data Analytics
CSC-271 - ST:Artificial NeuralNtwrks &Dp
CSC-325 - Algorithms
CSC-379 - ST: Computer Graphics
CSC-387 - Computer Architecture
CSC-410 - Artificial Intelligence
CSC-424 - Database Management Systems
CSC-433 - Computer Networks
CSC-445 - Operating Systems
CSC-ARTIC - Sent to Department
CSC-ELECT - Logic & Modelling
ECN-102 - Prin of Economics: Macro
ECN-201 - Microeconomic Analysis
ECN-214 - Intro Econometrics with Lab
ECN-309 - Dev of Economic Thought
ECN-320 - Labor Economics
ECN-341 - Urban Economics
ECN-342 - Environmntl/Natural Resource
ECN-350 - Game Theory
ECN-370 - ST:Bus&Ecn Perform Since 1945
ECN-417 - Math for Economics I
ECN-449 - Financial Economics
ECN-450 - Game Theory
ECN-451 - Industrial Organization
ECN-460 - Money and Banking
ECN-ARTIC - Sent to Department
ECN-ELECT - History Int'l Monetary System
EDU-170 - ST: Literacy & Communication
EDU-201 - Educational Psychology
EDU-231 - Literacy I: Meth/Mat Tch Read
EDU-272 - ST: World Around US 2
EDU-331 - Lang Arts/Soc Std Elem
EDU-ELECT - Education in Italy
ENG-161 - Intro to Journalism
ENG-185 - Intro to Creative Writing
ENG-201 - Readings in Literature
ENG-270 - ST: Contemporary Irish Writing
ENG-300 - Literary Editing & Publishing
ENG-301 - Writing Genres
ENG-305 - Medieval Literature
ENG-312 - Shakespeare: Tragedies/Romance
ENG-313 - Renaissance Drama
ENG-351 - Romantic Age in England
ENG-353 - Victorian Age
ENG-360 - Modern Irish Literature
ENG-363 - 20th Century British Novel
ENG-364 - Modern American Fiction
ENG-370 - Global and Postcolonial Lit
ENG-375 - Page to Screen
ENG-377 - ST: Edinburh in Fiction
ENG-380 - Creative Writing: Fiction
ENG-385 - The Art of the Essay
ENG-400 - Literary Criticism and Theory
ENG-440 - ST: Lit/Time: Epic&Romance MA
ENG-441 - ST:NonFic Write Here,Write Now
ENG-481 - Seminar Post-1800 Jane Austen
ENG-ELECT - Exploring Shakespeare
EPS-105 - Conceptual Physics
EPS-ELECT - Statistical & Thermal Physics
FIN-113 - Data Applications in Business
FIN-207 - Managerial Finance I
FIN-218 - Financial Markets/Institutions
FIN-270 - ST: Foundations of Finance
FIN-308 - Managerial Finance II
FIN-310 - Operations Management
FIN-317 - Investments
FIN-370 - ST: Corporate Risk Management
FIN-419 - International Finance
FIN-440 - Options and Futures
FIN-456 - Real Estate Finance
FIN-470 - ST: Risk Analysis & Modeling
FIN-ARTIC - Sent to Department
FIN-ELECT - Int'l Finan Mrkts & Investment
FRN-101 - Elementary French I
FRN-103 - Intermediate French I
FRN-104 - Intermediate French II
FRN-201 - French Composition
FRN-210 - Conversational French
FRN-270 - ST: French Women Writers
FRN-321 - Survey French Literature I
FRN-370 - ST: French Converstn&CrrntEvnt
GEN-ELECT - Writing Dublin
GER-101 - German I
GER-102 - German II
GER-103 - Intermediate German I
GER-270 - ST: Ger LangContxt:EmrComp III
GRK-101 - Elementary Ancient Greek I
GST-170 - ST:Agricultrl Ethics & Devel W
GST-270 - ST:Immigration Race & Identity
GST-279 - ST:Earth Collapse? Navigatn Ch
GST-321 - Sustainable Futures
GST-370 - ST:Activities of Int'l Organiz
GST-490 - IS: Internship
GST-ELECT - From Propoganda to Post Truth
HIS-100 - Thinking & Writing Abt History
HIS-104 - US His II:Reconstruction-Today
HIS-170 - ST: Ireland's Secret Past
HIS-270 - ST: History of the Mafia
HIS-283 - Rome & Pompeii: Ancient Cities
HIS-303 - Med Eng: Real Game of Thrones
HIS-310 - Rise & Fall of British Empire
HIS-332 - Saints&Sinners in Middle Ages
HIS-338 - The Roman Republic and Empire
HIS-353 - World Wars in 20th Cent Europe
HIS-370 - ST: Day After, Rewriting WW2
HIS-413 - History of Ireland
HIS-ELECT - Ireland Uncovered
HPM-270 - ST:Public Health in Netherland
HPM-305 - Public Health in Europe
HPM-315 - Issues in Global Health
HPM-316 - Comparative Healthcare Systems
HPM-ELECT - Epidemiology and Statistics
HSC-ELECT - Hacking your Health, Sci-Exerc
HUM-348 - C.S. Lewis, Christian Thinker
HUM-370 - ST:3CathPhil:Maritain,Stein,An
HUM-ELECT - Religion and Politics in Europ
ITA-101 - Elementary Italian I
ITA-102 - Elementary Italian II
ITA-103 - Intermediate Italian I
ITA-104 - Intermediate Italian II
ITA-210 - Conversational Italian
ITA-303 - Authors/Works Early Renaissnce
LAT-102 - Elementary Latin II
LAT-201 - Intermediate Latin I
LAT-202 - Intermediate Latin II
LAW-270 - ST: Intro to Business Law
LAW-370 - ST: Intro to Public Int'l Law
MGT-270 - ST: Disaster Management Leader
MGT-301 - Organizational Behavior
MGT-330 - Legal Environment for Bus I
MGT-362 - Social Entrepreneurship
MGT-370 - ST: Int'l Management Environme
MGT-430 - Entrepreneurship
MGT-470 - ST: Strategic Management
MGT-ARTIC - Sent to Department
MGT-ELECT - Business Ethics
MKT-205 - Principles of Marketing
MKT-336 - Integrated Marketing Communctn
MKT-340 - Digital Marketing
MKT-342 - Social Media Marketing
MKT-344 - Sports Marketing
MKT-404 - Advanced Advertising
MKT-423 - Fashion Marketing
MKT-426 - International Marketing
MKT-434 - Marketing Research
MKT-444 - Brand Marketing
MKT-470 - ST: Advertising & Society
MKT-ELECT - Marketing Management
MSC-101 - Basic Concepts of Music
MSC-210 - Music in Western Culture
MSC-229 - Survey of Popular Music
MSC-336 - DigitalAudio&MIDI Production I
MSC-ELECT - MusicalTraditions &Cltrl Cntxt
MTH-108 - Math Business Analysis II
MTH-109 - Calculus I
MTH-131 - Calc-Analytical Geometry I
MTH-215 - Linear Algebra
MTH-217 - Introduction to Statistics
MTH-300 - Logic & Modelling
MTH-318 - ST MTH: VectorCalculus for Sci
MTH-325 - Probability Thry/Math Stats I
MTH-ELECT - Mathematics - An Exploration
NEU-ELECT - CognitiveNeurosciConsciousness
PHL-101 - Logic
PHL-103 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHL-202 - General Ethics
PHL-207 - Philosophy of Human Person
PHL-251 - Neuroethics
PHL-300 - Ancient Philosophy
PHL-304 - Current Problems in Ethics
PHL-309 - Biomedical Ethics
PHL-316 - Social/Political Philosophy
PHL-318 - Philosophy of Science
PHL-325 - Asian Philosophy
PHL-360 - Early Modern Philosophy
PHL-370 - ST: Environmental Philosophy
PHL-412 - Contemporary Philosophy
PHL-422 - Contemporary Existentialism
PHL-426 - Metaphysics
PHL-ELECT - Bus Ethics in Int'l Framework
PSC-101 - Politics
PSC-201 - American Govt and Politics
PSC-204 - History of Political Thought
PSC-205 - Comparative Politics
PSC-207 - International Relations
PSC-215 - Human Rights
PSC-270 - ST: Intro to British Politics
PSC-302 - Research Methods in Pol Sci
PSC-310 - American Foreign Policy
PSC-321 - Chinese Politics
PSC-326 - Mass Media and Politics
PSC-329 - Middle Eastern Politics
PSC-333 - European Politics
PSC-369 - Internatnl Law and Organiztn
PSC-370 - ST:Politics,War,Ecn:Age ofGlbl
PSC-375 - Internatnl Conflict Resolution
PSC-430 - Int'l Political Economy
PSC-450 - Political Science Internship
PSC-ARTIC - Sent to Department
PSC-ELECT - Understanding Terrorism
PSP-ELECT - Cultural Int in His of Art 2
PSY-100 - Introduction to Psychology
PSY-264 - Child & Adolescent Development
PSY-267 - Social Psychology
PSY-268 - Psychopathology
PSY-273 - Learning and Cognition
PSY-306 - Child & Adolescent Development
PSY-315 - Human Neuropsychology
PSY-316 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY-317 - Social Psychology
PSY-318 - Cultural Psychology
PSY-321 - Industrial Organizationl Psych
PSY-323 - Personality
PSY-324 - Psych of Abnormal Behavior
PSY-325 - Health Psychology
PSY-370 - ST:Social Psychology in Adults
PSY-395 - Research in Psychology
PSY-470 - ST: Moral Psych in Real World
PSY-485 - Psych Disorders Children
PSY-ARTIC - sent to department
PSY-ELECT - Social Psychology in Adults
SOC-101 - Introductory Sociology
SOC-224 - Sexuality & Gender
SOC-270 - SocChange:InnovatnThroughFood
SOC-301 - Sociology of the Family
SOC-302 - Deviant Behavior
SOC-304 - Social Movements
SOC-310 - Society Culture and Individual
SOC-333 - Environmental Sociology
SOC-337 - Criminology
SOC-355 - Comparative Race & Inequality
SOC-370 - ST: History of the Mafia
SOC-418 - Globalization & Social Justice
SOC-444 - The Global Food System
SOC-454 - Immigration
SOC-470 - ST:Social & EconAspects Irelan
SOC-ELECT - Food & Culture, Czech & Global
SPN-101 - Elementary Spanish I
SPN-102 - Elementary Spanish II
SPN-103 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPN-104 - Intermediate Spanish II
SPN-105 - Spanish for Business Comm I
SPN-106 - Spanish for Business Comm II
SPN-201 - Spanish Composition
SPN-205 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPN-210 - Conversational Spanish
SPN-214 - InterculturalCommSpanSpkngWrld
SPN-270 - ST:Spn Lang Cntxt:IndpAbrd III
SPN-310 - Spanish Phonetics
SPN-321 - Survey of Spanish Literature
SPN-322 - Survey of Spanish American Lit
SPN-370 - ST: Cervantes Lit 16-17th Cent
SWK-101 - 21st Century Social Work
SWK-301 - ST: Leadership Intrdiscip Hlth
SWK-ELECT - Leadership for Intrdiscip Hlth
TDF-101 - Theatre Appreciation
TDF-102 - Intro to Oral Communication
TDF-106 - Intro Theatre, Dance, Film
TDF-108 - Script Analysis
TDF-121 - Hist Film-Clsc Hollywd &Beyond
TDF-170 - ST: Intro to Film Language
TDF-202 - History of Theatre
TDF-205 - Theatrical Production
TDF-212 - Modern Dance
TDF-226 - Analyzing Film
TDF-270 - ST: Curating Contemp Euro Cine
TDF-301 - Theatre in London: An Introduc
TDF-322 - Film Theory
TDF-328 - Film/Video Production
TDF-370 - History of Cinema: The Auteurs
TDF-405 - Principles of Playwriting
TDF-470 - ST:Show Business,Theatre & Cap
TDF-472 - ST:Visiting Europe in Cinema
TDF-473 - ST: Producing Music,Film,Drama
TDF-480 - Theatre Seminar
TDF-493 - Contemporary Spanish Film
TDF-ARTIC - sent to department
TDF-ELECT - Flamenco Andalusia: Lng, Msc
THE-ELECT - Intro to Shakespear Text & Per
THL-330 - Early Christian Doctrine
THL-332 - The Theology of St. Augustine
THL-360 - History & Theology of Papacy
THL-363 - New Testament in Eternal City
THL-370 - Principles of Moral Decision
THL-379 - ST: Christian Discipleship
THL-ELECT - The Western Church in Context
WGS-101 - Intro Women's & Gender Studies
WGS-170 - ST: Feminist Theory
WGS-270 - ST:Gender,Equality&SexualitySc
WGS-305 - Psychology of Gender
WGS-320 - Women in Arts 1960 - Present
WGS-323 - Women in Film
WGS-327 - Race,Class&GenderIntersections
WGS-370 - ST: Women and leadership
WGS-470 - Gender&Body in Media & PopCltr
WGS-ELECT - GenderViewContempSpanLitCinema
WMS-270 - ST: Global Feminisms
WMS-ELECT - The Future is Feminine
Host Course :
119217336-Y - The Five Senses of Cinema - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands 12-1103 - Traditional Irish Music & Danc - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland 1BK-3SBD - Small Business Development - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands 1VA-1CCM - Cross Cultural Marketing - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands 20009-X - Historia Antiga - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain 20024-X - Arte Contemporaneo - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain 20174-X - Supply Chain Management - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia 4AANA-001 - Greek Philosophy - King's College, London, United Kingdom 4AANA-003 - Elementary Logic - King's College, London, United Kingdom 4AAT-1301 - From Machiavelli to Bodin - King's College, London, United Kingdom 4BBY-1013 - Biochemistry - King's College, London, United Kingdom 4CREW-003X - Writing London - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom 4ELIT-009X - Photography in London - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom 4PSYC-002 - Cognitive Psychology - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom 4SSWF-002 - History of the Modern War - King's College, London, United Kingdom 5AAEB-007 - Hist, Pol & Elizabethan Imagin - King's College, London, United Kingdom 5AANB-053 - Philosophy of Physics - King's College, London, United Kingdom 5AANB-053 - Philosophy of Physics - King's College, London, United Kingdom 5ACC-0001 - Cultrl Competency:Profess&Prac - King's College, London, United Kingdom 5BBBI-203 - Immunology - King's College, London, United Kingdom 5CCC-0060 - Chemistry in Cells - King's College, London, United Kingdom 5CRIM-006W - Forensic Criminal Psychology - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom 5SOCL-014W - Childhood Youth & Society - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom 6AAEC-026 - Critically Queer - King's College, London, United Kingdom 6AAEC-116 - Shakespeare & Time - King's College, London, United Kingdom 7201712-PXY - Clinical Psy & Neuropsy Part A - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands 7202BO-01XY - Childhood-Developmental Psych - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands 7202BO-02XY - Childhood-Clinical & SchoolPsy - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands 7302A-4011Y - Doing Diversity - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands 7AATC-230 - Jesus, Death & Resurrection - King's College, London, United Kingdom 7ABA-0007 - The World Novel - King's College, London, United Kingdom A-2018 - Historic London - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom A4AANA-002 - Ethics I - King's College, London, United Kingdom AAU HSS-258 - The Story of Language - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic AAU JRN-260 - Cultural Journalism - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic AAU JRN-260 - Cultural Journalism - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic AAU MGT-415 - Operations Management - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic AAU MTH-190 - Business Math II - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic AAU-LIT - Advanced Seminar in Romanticis - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic AB-1140 - Human Development - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands AB-1288 - Big Data in Sustainability Sci - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands ADM-201 - Commercial Law - SpanStds,SanJuan, PuertoRico, Puerto Rico AEH-2614 - Pollock to Psychedelia - University of Sydney, Australia AEH-2614 - Pollock to Psychedelia - University of Sydney, Australia AESC-30110 - Diversity in Rural Landscape - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AETH-2285 - Ethics of Healthcare - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy AF/LT-314 - The Literature of Change - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa AF/PO/HS-352 - Power&Protest:Apartheid-Presnt - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa AFRS-3000 - Human Rights & Social Movement - SIT, Multicult&HumRights,Rabat, Morocco AFRS-3000 - Multicltrlsm & HumRghts SAfric - SIT, South Africa, South Africa AFRS-3000 - Multicltrlsm & HumRghts SAfric - SIT, South Africa, South Africa AGRI-2004 - Agricultrl Ethics & Devel Wrld - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica AGRI-2004 - Agricultrl Ethics & Devel Wrld - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica AH FA-390 - Western Art & Convergence Tech - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom AH FA-390 - Western Art & Convergence Tech - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom AH-10070 - Dublin Museums and Collections - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AH-10070 - Dublin: Museums & Collections - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland AH-10120 - Art of Renaissn-Reform&Rebirth - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AH-10160 - Art History in the Making - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AH-20010 - Irish Painting 1640-1940 - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AH-20010 - Irish Painting 1640-1940 - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AH-20210 - Perspectives on Irish Art - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AH-20210 - Perspectives on Irish Art - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland AH-215 - Hist. of Paris Architect & Art - IES Paris Business Program, France AH-215 - Hist. of Paris Architect & Art - IES Paris Business Program, France AH-221 - Austrian Art & Architecture - IES-Vienna, Austria AH-221 - Austrian Art & Architecture - IES-Vienna, Austria AH-249 - Spanish Art and Architecture - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-249 - Spanish Art and Architecture - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-308 - From Caesar to Corbusier: Hist - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland AH-308 - From Caesar to Corbusier: Hist - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland AH-315 - ElGreco, Velazquez & Goya Prad - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-315 - ElGreco, Velazquez & Goya Prad - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-315 - ElGreco, Velazquez & Goya Prad - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-316 - 20th Century Spanish Painters - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-316 - 20th Century Spanish Painters - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-316 - 20th Century Spanish Painters - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH-319 - Art & Media in Britain - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom AH-325 - History of Photography - IES Paris Business Program, France AH-325 - History of Photography - IES Paris Business Program, France AH-340 - From Monument to Memorial - IES-Vienna, Austria AH-340 - From Monument to Memorial - IES-Vienna, Austria AH-341 - The Architecture of London - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom AH-341 - The Architecture of London - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom AH-350 - Rise Nat'l Idion EastCentEuro - IES-Vienna, Austria AH-353 - Creating the Nation - IES-Vienna, Austria AH-353 - Creating the Nation - IES-Vienna, Austria AH-381 - London Architecture & Urbanism - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom AH-381 - London Architecture & Urbanism - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom AH/AT-324 - Modernism-Architecture &Design - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain AH/CL-243 - Scripta Manent - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy AH/CL-252 - The Last Days of Pompeii - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy AH/RL-350 - Iber Pen:Cult/Rel in the Arts - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH/RL-350 - Iber Pen:Cult/Rel in the Arts - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AH/US-330 - Architect & Landscape Barcelon - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain AHCU-250 - Art & Design in Roaring Twenti - IES Paris Business Program, France AHFP-315 - Impressionism to Surrealism - IES Paris Business Program, France AHFP-315 - Impressionism to Surrealism - IES Paris Business Program, France AHIS-1250 - Ancient Egyptn & NearEast Arch - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia AHIS-3001 - Catalonia & Spain thru the Art - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain AHIS-3001 - 19th Century Art History - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France AHIS-3001 - 19th Century Art History - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France AHIS-3002 - Masterworks in Catalan Art - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain AHIS-3003 - Exploring Rome: Modern Museum - CIEE, Open Campus Rome, Italy AHIS-3003 - Lisbon City & Architecture - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal AHIS-3003 - Modern Czech Art - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic AHIS-3101 - Art & Activism - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain AHIS-3101 - Art & Activism - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain AHST-362 - Museums of Florence - AIFS,LibArts & Bus, Florence, Italy AHUS-375 - Evolution of the Modern City - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy AHUS-375 - Evolution of the Modern City - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy AJ-2103 - Reporting and Writing - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland AN GS WS-215 - Sexuality & Gender - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa AN GS WS-215 - Sexuality & Gender - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa AN GS WS-215 - Sexuality & Gender - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa AN-100 - Intro to Social Anthropology - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom AN-305-03 - Exploring Yucatan: Comm & Cltr - IFSA Butler, Merida, Mex, Mexico AN-305-03 - Exploring Yucatan: Comm & Cltr - IFSA Butler, Merida, Mex, Mexico AN-322 - Native Cultures - IES University of Santiago, Chile AN-322 - Native Cultures - IES University of Santiago, Chile AN/CU-338 - Barcelona: The Culinary City - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain AN/SO-320 - Sports and Society in Spain - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain AN/SO-328 - The Culture of Immigration - IES-Vienna, Austria AN/SO-360 - Banditry & Mafia in Mediterran - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain AN/SO-391 - Social Organization of Japan - IES, Tokyo, Japan, Japan ANAT-2002 - Principles of Histology - University of Sydney, Australia ANGSWS-215 - Sexuality & Gender - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain ANGSWS-215 - Sexuality & Gender - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain ANHU-10013 - World of St. Augustine - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ANSCO-3100 - Modern Greek Culture & Society - Webster Univ, Athens, Greece, Greece ANTH-0080 - Time & Index Evolv Narra Photo - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom ANTH-207 - Psychological Anthropology - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ANTH-250 - Cultrl Diversity Contemp Spain - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain ANTH-250 - Cultrl Diversity Contemp Spain - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain ANTH-3002 - Culture & Cuisine in Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain ANTH-3002 - Culture & Cuisine in Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain ANTH-3002 - Culture & Cuisine in Spain - CIEE Int'l Bus & Cult Seville, Spain ANTH-3002L - Portuguese Gastronomy & Cultr - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal ANTH-3101 - Culture & Cuisine in Spain - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain ANTH-3101 - Culture & Cuisine in France - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ANTH-3102 - Anthropology of Sports in Spai - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain ANTH-333 - The Culture of Modern Greece - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece ANTH-3500 - Field Ethics&Comparative Rsrch - SIT Jordan, Jordan ANTH-3500 - Research Methods & Ethics - SIT, Geneva, Banking & Finance, Switzerland ANTH-3500 - Research Methods & Ethics - SIT, Peace & Conflict, Serbia, Serbia ANTH-3500 - Research Methods & Ethics - SIT, Multicult&HumRights,Rabat, Morocco ANTH-3500 - Research Methods & Ethics - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands ANTH-3500 - Research Methods & Ethics - SIT, South Africa, South Africa ANTH-3500 - Research Methods & Ethics - SIT, South Africa, South Africa ANTH-356 - Gender & Sexlty Modern Greek C - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece APFM-3700 - Luxury Design Management - API Des & Mgt Paris/Florence, France AQ-7 - Hist of Econ Thought & Policy - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy AR-1104 - Material Culture & Museums - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland AR-113 - Prehistoric Ireland & Europe - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland AR-200 - Heritage Matters - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain AR-2101 - Early Kingship Chaos Cosmos-Ar - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland AR-2103 - Archaeology & Irish Identity - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland AR-225 - Art and Design - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain AR-332 - Develop of Castle Medievl Euro - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland ARAB-1006 - Beginning Modern Stand Arabic - SIT, Multicult&HumRights,Rabat, Morocco ARCH-2001 - Glbl Hist Architecture &Cities - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ARCH-2001 - Glbl Hist Architecture &Cities - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ARCH/CLAS/HIS-320 - Archaelogical Discoveries - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ARCH/CLAS/HIS-320 - Archaelogical Discoveries - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ARCL-0084 - Ancient Egypt in London - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom ARCT-10010 - Architectural Design I - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ARCT-1003 - Arhitecture & Its Environment - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ARCT-20130 - Imagining Architecture - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ARCT-366 - Ancient Greek Architecture - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece ARDP-290L - Contemporary Photography Pract - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom ARE-6105 - Glbztn&Regnl Governnce Korean - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South ARE-6105 - Glbztn&Regnl Governnce Korean - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South ARH-170 - Angels, Demons& Artist in Rome - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy ARH-170 - Angels, Demons& Artist in Rome - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy ARH-310 - The Golden City of Prague - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ARH-350 - Public Art in the Global City - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARH-370 - Spanish Art - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARH-370 - Spanish Art - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARH-370 - Rome Across the Ages - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy ARH-371 - Meaning &Mystery Euro Painting - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARH-374 - Spanish Art in the Digital Age - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARH-374 - Spanish Art in the Digital Age - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARH-460 - Architect & Paint in Barcelona - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARH-460 - Architect & Paint in Barcelona - CEA Barcelona, Spain ARLC-103 - London City of Art - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom ARLC-103 - London City of Art - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom ART-107 - Pintura I - IFSA Butler- Santiago Univs, Chile ART-107 - Digital Photography - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ART-108 - Art of the Western World - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ART-131 - Prague Art & Architecture - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ART-131 - Prague Art & Architecture - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ART-304 - Concepts: Pursuing Idea in Art - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ART-313E - History of Spanish Art - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain ART-380 - Saints & Sinners - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ART-380 - Saints & Sinners - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ART/SPAN-333 - Comparative Persp-Spn/US Cin - Pablo de Olavide Universidad, Spain ARTA BUSN-3338 - Arts Administration - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom ARTA BUSN-3338 - Arts Administration - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom ARTH HIST-3314 - London Museums - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom ARTH HIST-3314 - London Museums - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom ARTH-310 - The Italian Renaissance - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ARTH-310 - The Italian Renaissance - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ARTH-362 - Ancient Greek Sculpture - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece ARTH/THE-320 - Performing in Athens - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece ARTS-1361 - Mind,Ethic,Freedm:Intro toPhil - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARTS-1750 - Introduction to Global Develop - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARTS-2240 - Environ, Sustainability&Develo - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARTS-2375 - Philosophical Logic - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARTS-2383 - Ethics: Theory & Practice - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARTS-2755 - Glbl Develop in Practice: Conc - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARTS-2900 - Global Feminisms - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARTS-3292 - Migrants&Refugees Aust History - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ARUS-282 - Art & Architecture - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom ARUS-282 - Art & Architecture - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom ASST-07019 - Foundation Korean Language - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom AT/CL-250 - Building for Eternity - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy ATG-157 - Fundamentals of Fin Accounting - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia ATG-158 - Accounting Principles-Cost Mgt - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia B1MKG-044 - Spring Principles of Marketing - IES Paris Business Program, France B2FIN-024L - Principles of Corporate Financ - IES Paris Business Program, France B3MKG-009 - Marketing of Services - IES Paris Business Program, France B3MKG-019 - Spring Content Marketing - IES Paris Business Program, France B3MKG-022 - Spring Luxury Brand Mgt - IES Paris Business Program, France BABS-1111 - Big Fat Myths - Univ of S. Wales, Australia BADM-2893 - Law & Ethics ofGlobal Commerce - UCONN Sum Intrnshp London, United Kingdom BASC-0007 - Creative Writing - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom BCN-ENV320BCN - Introduction to Climate Change - CEA Barcelona, Spain BEES-2041 - Data Analysis for Life & Earth - Univ of S. Wales, Australia BI-318 - Human Nutrition - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland BIO-113 - Evolution - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom BIO-166M - Marine Biology - IES University of Santiago, Chile BIO-214 - Infectious Disease Biology - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom BIO-2142223 - Infectious Disease Biology - King's College, London, United Kingdom BIO-225 - Plant Physiology & Biochemistr - IES University of Santiago, Chile BIO-272 - Molecular Pharmacolgy - IES University of Santiago, Chile BIO-305E - Basic & Clinical Cancer - IES University of Santiago, Chile BIO-337 - Reproductive & Development Bio - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom BIO-4SSHM00A - Introduction to Global Health - King's College, London, United Kingdom BIOL-10010 - Animal Biology & Evolution - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland BIOL-1006 - Life & Evolution - University of Sydney, Australia BIOL-10140 - Life on Earth - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland BIOL-2003 - Conservation Biology - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica BIOL-2021 - Zoology - University of Sydney, Australia BIOL-3013 - Marine Biology - University of Sydney, Australia BIOS-1155 - Structure, Function & Disease - University of Sydney, Australia BIOS-1163 - Speech Science - University of Sydney, Australia BIOS-1167 - Foundations Biomedical Science - University of Sydney, Australia BIOS-3601 - Advanced Field Biology - Univ of S. Wales, Australia BIST-08013 - Introducing Biblical Hebrew - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom BIST-10051 - Parables in Practice - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom BIU-11032 - History of Western Philosophy - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland BL-331 - Mammals & Evolution - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom BL/ES-306 - Ecosystem Management - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany BL/ES-307 - Climate/Vegitation BlackForest - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany BLW-342 - Legal Environment of Businss - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia BM-2204 - Branding & Communications - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom BMOL-2201 - Biochemistry & Cell Biology - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia BN-2210 - Intro to Business Law - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom BS-1102 - Intro to Management - City University London,England, United Kingdom BS-112 - Intellectual Property Mgmt - City University London,England, United Kingdom BS-21103 - Design Thinking Product Innova - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain BS-3200 - International Financial Mgmt - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom BS-3200 - Int'l Financial Mgt - City University London,England, United Kingdom BU IM-357 - International Management - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom BUAFCF-300 - Corporate Finance - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy BUECGE-350 - Global Economy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy BUIM-357 - Int'l Mgt-Strategy & CompGlbl - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom BUMC-310 - Integrated Mktng Communication - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom BUMKEM-305 - Entrepreneurial Marketing - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy BUMKIT-320 - International Marketing - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy BURERE-280 - Principles of RealEstate Mgtmn - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy BUS-002 - Operations Management - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom BUS-206 - Legal Environment of Business - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic BUS-220 - Persuasive Strategies in Mktng - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom BUS-227 - International Marketing - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom BUS-305 - Principles of Business Analyti - CEA Barcelona, Spain BUS-320 - International Business - CEA Barcelona, Spain BUS-320 - International Business - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy BUS-320 - International Business - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic BUS-321 - Int'l Business in Ireland - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland BUS-330 - Cross-Cultural Management - CEA Barcelona, Spain BUS-330 - Cross Cultural Management - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy BUS-334 - International Management - Pablo de Olavide Universidad, Spain BUS-334 - Basic Operations Management - CEA Barcelona, Spain BUS-3340 - Basic Operations Management - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy BUS-3340 329 - Basic Operations Mgt w/Lab - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy BUS-3386 - Innovation & Entrepreneurship - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia BUS-351FCO - Bus Ethics & Mgt Global Contex - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy BUS-354 - Prin of Leadership: Thr & Prac - CEA Barcelona, Spain BUSI-2001 - Respsblty Bus & DecisionMaking - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic BUSI-3003 - Bus Ethics & Corp Social Respo - CIEE Liberal Arts- Barcelona, Spain BUSI-3004 - Bus & Sustainability Netherlan - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands BUSI-3011 - Economics of Wine - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain BUSI-3011 - Economics of Wine - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France BUSI-3101 - Fashion & Business in France - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France BUSN-3371 - International Business - CAPA Dublin, Ireland BUSN-3371 - International Business - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland BUSN-3372 - International Marketing - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia BUSN-3372 - International Marketing - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland BUSN-3372 - International Marketing - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom BUSN-3373 - International Finance - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia BUSN-3376 - Int'l Dimensions Org Behavior - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia BUSN-3378 - Global Workforce Mgmt - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia BUSN-3380 - Managing Global Supply Chains - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia BUSN-3380 - Managing Global Supply Chains - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom BUSN-3383 - Sports Management - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia BUSN-3388 - Principles of Int'l Business - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom BUU-22520 - Principles of Marketing - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland BUU-33590 - Business in Society - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland BUU-33690 - Social Entrepreneurship - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CACA-08011 - Roman Art & Archaeology - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom CAS AH-319 - Arts & Media in Britain - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS AH-319 - Arts & Media in Britain - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS AH-388 - British Painting 1500-1900 - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS AH-388 - British Painting 1500-1900 - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS AH-411 - Exploring Art & Society London - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EC-322 - Pol Econ Middle East & No. Afr - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EC-322 - Pol Econ Middle East & No. Afr - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EC-346 - European Capital Markets - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EC-364 - British Economic Performance - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EN-310 - The Waste Land - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EN-357 - Modern British Drama - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EN-368 - Seminar in Shakespeare - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS EN-388 - Historical Fictions - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS FR-213 - Intensive Intermediate French - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland CAS HI-250 - British Youth Culture - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS HI-252 - Class, Pol & Making British Id - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS HI-252 - Class, Pol & Making British Id - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS IR-361 - Understanding Brit,ForeignDom - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS IR-361 - Understanding Brit,ForeignDom - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS IR-392 - Crisis&Readjstmnt PostWarBrita - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS IR-418 - Politics, Nations & Identity - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland CAS IR-427 - Int'l Business Euro Framework - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS MA-113 - Intro to Elementary Statistics - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS PO-220 - Britain & Euro - New Beginning - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS PO-220 - Britain & Euro - New Beginning - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS PO-221 - British Pol Inst Theory & Prac - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS PS-365 - Psychology & Social Issues - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS SS-315 - Aotearoa NZ: History & Society - Boston Univ. Auckland Intern., New Zealand CAS-EN-310 - The Writer in the World - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CAS-LS-212 - Fourth Semester Spanish - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain CB-395 - Comparative Social Policy - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom CB-395 - Community Based Learning - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy CB/HL/PS-395 - Social Welfare Pol UK & Jamaic - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom CCI-10020 - Introducing Management - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland CCIV-10040 - Vikings in the Celtic World - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CCIV-20130 - Kings & Heros of Early Ireland - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland CCIV-20130 - Kings & Heros of Early Ireland - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland CDV-302 - Career Development Seminar - CEA Barcelona, Spain CEAS-3006 - Ethnic & Religious Identity - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic CFA TH-508 - Theatre Capital-Perform London - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CFA-371 - Contemporary Music Bus in Aust - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia CFA-372 - Entertainment Ind Asia-Pacific - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia CHE-113 - Fundamentals Inorganic Chemist - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom CHEM-0010 - Introductory Chemistry - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland CHEM-10040 - The Molecular World - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland CHEM-2401 - Physical Chemistry - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia CHEM-30110 - Instrumental Analysis - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland CHEM-30210 - Struct Determ&Heterocyclic Chm - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland CHEM-3801 - Medicinal Chemistry - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia CHI-250 - CrossrdsMedit:Cltr ID thru Age - API, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy, Italy CI OB-210 - Business of Wine-Vine to Glass - IES-Vienna, Austria CINE-3001 - Discovering Rome: Cinema - CIEE, Open Campus Rome, Italy CINE-3012 - Use of Propaganda in Euro Film - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic CINE-3101 - Contemporary French Cinema - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France CL/AH-225 - Forma Urbis:Archlgy Ancnt Rome - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy CL/AH-261 - The Splendor of Roman Art - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy CL/AH-265 - Classical Myth: Gods & Heroes - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy CL/AH-265 - Classical Myth: Gods & Heroes - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy CLAG-101 - Beginning Ancient Greek I - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece CLAL-211 - Intermediate Latin I - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece CLAS HIS-33 - The Roman Empire - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy CLTR-245 - Food & Culture, Czech & Global - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic CLU-11200 - Grk&Roman Mythology & Religion - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CM PG-316 - Photojournalism - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CM PO-330 - Media,Politics&PolComm US&Frnc - IES Paris Business Program, France CM-215L - Visual Storytelling: Youtube - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy CM-325 - TV Commnctn & Media in Austria - IES-Vienna, Austria CM-325 - TV Commnctn & Media in Austria - IES-Vienna, Austria CM-327 - Lang Cltr & Comm: Spnsh Prsptv - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CM-334 - Advertising in the UK - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CM-334 - Advertising in the UK - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CM-335 - Seminar in Advertising Strateg - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CM-335 - Seminar in Advertising Strateg - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CM-380 - 4th Wave Feminism Glbl Perspe - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CM-521 - British & European Marketing - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CM-521 - British & European Marketing - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom CM/AR-260 - Strategies for Digital Engagem - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy CM/IB-X - Digital Marketing - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy CM/PO-320 - Media & CrntAffairs France& EU - IES Paris Business Program, France CM/PO-323 - Campaigning in Europe - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CMLT-353 - Storytelling-Art Effectv Commu - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy CMPS-2002 - Web Development & Design - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France CO-COMM-1000 - Creating Social Change: Innov - Univ of S. Wales, Australia COLT-3312 - London Across History,Lit&Film - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom COM CM-457 - Sem Global Promo Strategies - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom COM CM-521 - British & Euro Mkt Strategy - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom COM FT-317 - British Cinema & Society - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom COM FT-318 - British Television Studies - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom COM-201 - Intercultural Communication - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic COM-315 - Intercultural Communic Theory - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia COM-321 - Mass Media & Fashion Industry - CEA Barcelona, Spain COM-321 - Mass Media & Fashion Industry - CEA Barcelona, Spain COM-325 - TV, Communica & Media in Milan - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy COM-325 - TV, Communica & Media in Milan - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy COM-3301 - Intercultural Commu&Leadership - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica COM-3322 - Creative Connections - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom COM-340 - Communication & Glbl Competenc - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy COM-340 - Comm & Global Competence - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland COM-340 - Communication& Glbl Competence - CEA, Seville, Spain, Spain COM-346 - Mediating the Message - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece COM-351 - Creative Writing - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic COM-351 - Creative Writing - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic COM-380 - Language & Power - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic COM-447 - Strategic Brand Management - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom COM-5008 - German Thought - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom COM-501 - Literature & Philosophy - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom COM-CM335 - Seminar in Advertising Strateg - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom COM-CM447 - Stategic Brand Mgmt UK Context - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom COMM-3002 - Place Branding- The Port. Case - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal COMM-3004 - Digital&VisualCultrContempSpai - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain COMM-3004 - Amer Media's Impact on Comm Me - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic COMM-3005 - Music Media & Public Spheres - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France COMM-3009 - Media, Gender & Identity - CIEE Liberal Arts- Barcelona, Spain COMM-3009 - Media, Gender & Identity - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France COMM-320 - Science Communication - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece COMM-3301 - Intercultural Comm & Leadershp - CIEE Liberal Arts- Barcelona, Spain COMM-3301 - Intercultural Comm & Leadershp - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain COMM-3301 - Intercultural Comm and Ldrshp - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain COMM-3301 - Intercultural Comm & Leadershp - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France COMM-3301 - Intercultural Comm & Leadershp - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France COMM-3301 - Intrcltrl Com. & Leadership - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal COMM-3301 - Intercultural Comm & Leadershp - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South COMM-3301 - Intercultural Comm & Leadershp - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands COMM-3321 - Ethics in Media - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland COMM-3321 - Ethics in the Media - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom COMM-3328 - Strategic Comm & Social Media - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom COMM-3350 - Media & Conflict - CEA Barcelona, Spain COMM-3350 - Media & Conflict - CEA Barcelona, Spain COMM-3353 - Intercultural Communication - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia COMM-3373 - Advertising & Society - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia COMP-20070 - Databases & Information System - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland COOULM-360 - Strategic Fashion Marketing - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy CPAT-3201 - Pathogeneis of Human Disease I - University of Sydney, Australia CPCRCM-360 - Art,Food,Fash&WineCreativeAdvt - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy CPPULM-330 - Magazine Editing & Publishing - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy CR-363 - Crime,Disorder,Policing&Justic - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CS-51819 - Artificial Intell,Crtvty & Art - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CSU-22012 - Algorithm & Data Structures II - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CSU-23016 - Concurrent Syst & Oper Systems - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CSU-33061 - Artificial Intelligence I - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CSU-333061 - Artificial Intelligence - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CSU-33D03 - Computer Networks - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland CT-101 - Catalan Language for Beginners - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CTH-365 - Catholic Novels of Rome - PC Rome Humanities Program, Italy CTH-370 - 3CathPhil:Maritain,Stein,Ansco - PC Rome Humanities Program, Italy CU AH-350 - Creating the Nation - IES-Vienna, Austria CU HS-211 - ViennaVictuals-Cltrl Hist Food - IES-Vienna, Austria CU-270 - Italian Convers:Cult & Cuisine - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy CU-343 - Paris Cinema-City - IES Paris Business Program, France CU-348 - Cult.Heritage:Business&Strateg - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy CU-361 - The Culture of Trauma - IES-Vienna, Austria CU/IB-210 - Business of Wine: Vine to Glas - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain CU/IB-210 - Business of Wine:Vine to Glass - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy CU/LT-361 - Spanish Civil War in Lit Arts - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain CU/SO-352 - British Yth Clture 1950-Presen - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom CUL-260 - Health, Bodies & Identities - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia CUL-260A - Health, Bodies, Media - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia CUL-340 - Culture of Food &Wine in Italy - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy CUL-340 - Czech Food,Culture&Brewing Tra - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic CUL-351 - Sport & Cltr in Contemp Czech - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic CUL-355 - GlobalPerspectivesOnDiversity - CEA Barcelona, Spain CUL-360 - Immigration Race & Identity - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy CUL-360 - Immigration Race & Identity - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy CUL-362 - Seville: Cltr, Ident & Citizen - CEA, Seville, Spain, Spain CUL-399 - Sex, Death & Poli: Ethics Live - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia CW-350 - Phot Graphic-ShapngVisual Narr - IES Dublin, Ireland CW-358 - Write Here, Write Now - IES Dublin, Ireland CWRT-3317 - Writing the Global City:Sydney - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia CWRT-3317 - Writing the City: London - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom DART-1110 - Drawing I: Foundations - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DART-1110 - Drawing I: Foundations - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DART-1110 - Drawing I: Foundations - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DART-1110 - Drawing I: Foundations - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DART-2140 - Printmaking: Etching - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DART-2140 - Printmaking: Etching - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DART-2140 - Printmaking: Etching - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DART-2140 - Printmaking: Etching - Univ of S. Wales, Australia DCNI-X - Devel Cognitive Neuro: Infancy - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom DCNI-X - Devel Cognitive Neuro: Infancy - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom DE UPO HSP-BUS-395E - Entrepreneurship & New Venture - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain DE UPO HSP-COMM-340E - Comm & Media in Digital Age - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain DE UPO HSP-COMM/ART-341E - Spnsh ID: Flm Advtsng & PopMsc - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain DE UPO HSP-SPAN-376 - Spanish for Business - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain DE USCC-FA-25 - Literature & Cuisine, Read,Wrt - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain DE USCC-GA-22 - Wine inSpain: His, Cultre, Ecn - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain DE UVA-73210021FY - History Modern World since1750 - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands DEINST-ADVSPAN - Advanced Spanish - CIEE, SU Alcala Spain, Spain DEINST-CERVLITWRK - Cervantes: Adventures Don Quix - CIEE, SU Alcala Spain, Spain DEINST-COSPFLM - Contemporary Spain Thru Films - CIEE, SU Alcala Spain, Spain DEINST-SPACULCIV - Spanish Culture &Civilization - CIEE, SU Alcala Spain, Spain DEUVA-7203BA23XY - Intro to Sport & Perform Psych - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands DEUVA-7203BK74XY - Clinical Perspctv Today's Issu - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands DEV-20130 - Achieving the Sus Develop Goal - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland DIPHFP-220 - Intro to Street Photography - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy DIPHFP-220 - Intro to Street Photography - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy DIS-2403063 - Understanding Terrorism - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark DIS-2403063 - Understanding Terrorism - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark DIVCWD-200 - Intro to Web Design - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy DIVI-08003 - The Bible in Literature - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom DIVI-08013 - Pop Religion, Women & Witchcra - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom DIVI-08014 - History Christianity Wrld Reli - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom DIVI-08014 - History Christianity Wrld Reli - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom DR-315 - Theatre in London: An Introduc - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom DRA-114 - London Culture Performance - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-261 - London Performance Now - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-304 - Culture, Performance & Globali - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-332 - Performance, Sexuality & Ident - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-332 - Performance, Sexuality & Ident - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-351 - Writing About the Arts - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-351 - Writing About the Arts - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-360 - Show Business,Theatre & Capita - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRA-5100 - Creative Writing: Playwriting - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom DRAM-10030 - Theatre Matters - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland DS-223 - Italian Design:Theory & Practi - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy DS-300 - Principles Visual Merch: Theor - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy DS-300 - Principles Visual Merch: Theor - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy DSCY-10140 - The Human Body - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland DSCY-10160 - Refugee Displacement - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland DUBI HIIR-330 - History of Modern Ireland - Dublin Parlmentary-Dublin,Irln, Ireland DUBI LIIR-320 - Modern Irish Literature - Dublin Parlmentary-Dublin,Irln, Ireland DUBI POIR-350 - Irish Society & Politics - Dublin Parlmentary-Dublin,Irln, Ireland DUTC-1003 - Dutch - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands DUTCH-1003 - Beginning Dutch - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands E IBA-1CCM - Cross Culture Marketing - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands EASC-08001 - Earth Dynamics - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom EASC-08023 - Evolution of the Living Earth - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom EBE-3 - Investments - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands EC MG-366 - Int'l Project Mgt & Petroleum - IES-Vienna, Austria EC PO-322 - Economic Polic in EU&ItsImpact - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy EC-1004 - Topics in Applied Macroeconomi - City University London,England, United Kingdom EC-101 - Intro to Microeconomics - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EC-1122 - Mkts, Gvrnmt & Ecn Social Issu - University College, Cork, Ireland EC-1122 - Mkts, Gvrnmt & Ecn Social Issu - University College, Cork, Ireland EC-1212 - Economics of Business - University College, Cork, Ireland EC-200 - Int'l Economics & Digital Age - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain EC-204 - Financial Markets & Glbl Econ - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EC-204 - Financial Markets & Glbl Econ - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EC-2151 - Economics of Social Policy I - University College, Cork, Ireland EC-2215 - Macroeconomic Growth & Competi - University College, Cork, Ireland EC-241 - EconomicEffects Spain's EU Mem - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain EC-3010 - Corporate Finance - City University London,England, United Kingdom EC-313 - Industrial Economics - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EC-330 - European Business Environment - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom EC-330 - Economics & Climate Change - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom EC-3302 - Game Theory - Univ St Andrews - Scotland, United Kingdom EC-357 - Europe in the Global Economy - IES-Vienna, Austria EC-360 - Macroeconomic in Cntmpry Europ - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom EC-4408 - Contracts as Barriers to Entry - Univ St Andrews - Scotland, United Kingdom EC-4425 - The Ecnmtrcs of Impct Eval - Univ St Andrews - Scotland, United Kingdom EC/FI-358 - Financial Markets & theEconomy - IES-Vienna, Austria EC/FI-358 - Financial Markets & theEconomy - IES-Vienna, Austria EC/FI-358 - Financial Markets & theEconomy - IES-Vienna, Austria EC/FI-380 - Banking/Financial Intermediate - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy EC/IB-441 - Spain's EconomicDevelmt& theEU - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain EC/IR-340 - Political Econ of Euro Integra - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy EC/IR-340 - Political Econ of Euro Integra - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy EC/MG-366 - Project Mgt and Petroleum Ecn - IES-Vienna, Austria EC/MG-366 - Project Mgt and Petroleum Ecn - IES-Vienna, Austria EC/PO-210 - Intro to the European Union - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain EC/PO-235 - In Search of Sustainability - IES-Vienna, Austria ECN-205 - Money & Banking - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ECN-214 - Games & Strategies - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ECN-231 - Economics of Social Issues - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ECN-322 - Comparative Economic Systems - CEA Barcelona, Spain ECN-330 - Money & Banking - CEA Barcelona, Spain ECN-431 - Intermediate Microeconomics - CEA Barcelona, Spain ECNM-08024 - Development, Inequality &Trade - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ECNM-10081 - Economics of Inequality - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ECNM-10096 - Key Developmnt Mod Ecn Analysi - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ECNM-10104 - Fiscal Pol, Macroecon& Inequal - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ECO-105 - Intro to Economic Thought - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ECO-110 - Intro to Macroeconomics - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic ECO-22 - Principles of Macroeconomics - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia ECON-1401 - Economic Perspectives - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ECON-20010 - Intermediate Microeconomics I - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-2003 - Microeconomics Analysis&Applic - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ECON-20060 - Irish Economy - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-20080 - Economic Policy Analysis - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-20120 - Economics of theEuropean Union - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ECON-2015 - Behavioral Economics - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ECON-20160 - Economics of the Environment - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-202120 - The Economics of the EU - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-2021J - European Economy - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-2035 - Econ of Financial Institutions - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ECON-2041 - Introductory Econometrics - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ECON-2044 - Labour Markets-AI & Inequality - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ECON-2050 - Money and Finance - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ECON-2112 - Game Theory & Business Strateg - Univ of S. Wales, Australia ECON-3004 - International Economics - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain ECON-3005 - Competitive Strat: Europ Persp - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain ECON-3006 - Spanish Economy in the EU - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain ECON-3008 - Competitive Policy & Mkt Regul - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain ECON-3011 - Macroeconomics Policy - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia ECON-3020 - History & Economics Fin Crisis - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-30400 - Political Economy - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-30590 - Econ of Gender and Diversity - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ECON-327 - Europe Today-Winter is Coming - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece ECON-335 - International Economics - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom ECON-343 - Plague, Politics & Populism - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece ECOP-2011 - EconomicTheories of Capitalism - University of Sydney, Australia ECOP-6115 - History Australian Capitalism - University of Sydney, Australia ECOS-3022 - Economics of Financial Markets - University of Sydney, Australia ECP-1003 - Glbl Econ,Production,Trade,Fin - University of Sydney, Australia ECU-22021 - Economy of Ireland - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ECU-22031 - MathematicalStatisticalMethods - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ECU-33031 - European Economy - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ECU-33051 - Investment Analysis - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ECU-33061 - Economics of Policy Issues - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ECU-44231 - History Int'l Monetary System - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland EDU-331 - Literacy - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland EDUF-2006 - Educational Psychology - University of Sydney, Australia EEBE-2VB - Value Based Marketing - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands EG/GT-361 - Science and Society: Euro Pers - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain EH-101 - Internationalization EconGrwth - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EH-204 - Money&Fin, Mid Ages to Moderni - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EH-238 - The Origins of Growth - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EH-240 - Bus&Ecn Performance Since 1945 - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EH-316 - Atlantic World Slavery - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom EH-4009 - Contemporary Global Health Iss - University College, Cork, Ireland EIN-225 - Economia Politica Global - SpanStds,SanJuan, PuertoRico, Puerto Rico EIN-301 - Derech Internacional - SpanStds,SanJuan, PuertoRico, Puerto Rico ELCC-08010 - Gender and Culture - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ELCR-08010 - Translational Russian Culture - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ELIT-007 - Art and Society - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom ELL-7428 - The Rhetoric of Dreams - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South EN-2134 - Media, Culture, Society - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland EN-385 - Drama and Theatre Studies - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland EN-387 - 20th Century Literature - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland EN-387 - The Writer in the World - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom EN-392 - Modern Irish Literature - Boston U. Internship, Dublin, Ireland ENCW-210 - Creative Writing - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom ENG-00010 - Reading English Literature - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ENG-10020 - Children's Literature - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ENG-10130 - Contemporary Irish Writing - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ENG-20490 - English Romanticism - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ENG-2675 - Literary & Textual Theories - University of Sydney, Australia ENG-299 - Ghosts, Changelings, Mermaids - Sacred Heart Univ, Dingle, Ire, Ireland ENG-31910 - Gender, Culture & Society - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ENG-32510 - Writing Dublin - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ENG-364 - Contemporary Irish Literature - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland ENGL-203 - World Literature - Sant'Anna Univ,Sorrento,Italy, Italy ENGL-3657 - The Brontes - University of Sydney, Australia ENGLISH-344 - Writing Creative Prose - Arcadia-Univ of Auckland, New Zealand ENLI-10306 - Critical Practice - Criticism - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ENLI-10310 - Edinburgh in Fiction - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ENLI-10335 - George Orwell & Politics Liter - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ENU-1002 - Writing Childhoods - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ENU-1002X - Origins of English - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ENU-11009 - Imagining the Middle Ages - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ENV-355 - Green Cities-Sustainable Futur - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ENV-355 - Green Cities-Sustainable Futur - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ENV-355 - Green Cities-Sustainable Futur - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ENVI-2002 - Sustainability & Anthropocene - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ENVI-2002 - Sustainability & Anthropocene - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ENVI-2004 - Nat&Cult in Trnsnational Persp - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica ENVI-2005 - Global Change & the Environmen - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ENVI-2005 - Gbl Chng & the Environment - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica ENVI-2006 - Climate Chang Science & Policy - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ENVI-3000 - Human Ecology & Conservation - SIT Tropical Ecol, Panama City, Panama ENVI-3001 - European Environmental Studies - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic ENVI-3004 - Global Environmental Policy - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France ENVI-3005 - Comparative Tropical Ecology - SIT Tropical Ecol, Panama City, Panama ENVI-3500 - Envirnmntl Rsrch Method&Ethic - SIT Tropical Ecol, Panama City, Panama ENVR-353 - Cultural Landscapes - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece ES SO-360 - Designing the Sustainable City - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy ES-300 - Eco & Mgt of Forest Landscapes - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany ES-305 - Technology of Renewable Energy - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany ES-310 - Change of the Ecosystem - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany ES/EC/IB-343 - Circular Economy - IES-Vienna, Austria ES/EC/IB-347 - CircularEconGlbl&Euro Integrat - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy ES/GE-311 - The Mediterranean Environment - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain ES/GE-320 - Mediterranean Oceanography - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain ES/GE/HE-320 - Environment,Hlth & Development - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa ES/SO-360 - Designing the Sustainable City - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain ES/SO-360 - Designing the Sustainable City - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain ES/SO-360 - Designing the Sustainable City - IES, Tokyo, Japan, Japan ESB-250 - Volcanos Sicily: Livg w/Giants - API, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy, Italy ESB-251 - Marine Ecol: Fshrs& Biodiv Med - API, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy, Italy ESH-101 - Shakespeare - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-129 - Lit in Time: Epic&Romance MA - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-249 - Art Histories:Intro Visual Art - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-267 - Renaissance Literary Culture - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-280 - Renaissance Drama - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-295 - London: Walking the City - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-319 - Michael Foucault - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-319 - Michael Foucault - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESH-5001 - Global Shakespeare - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom ESP-225` - Oral Communications - SpanStds,SanJuan, PuertoRico, Puerto Rico EU-335 - Visiting Europe in Cinema - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom EUH-4058 - Sport & Learning Aust Culture - University of Sydney, Australia EXP-100 - Panorama de la economia del vi - SpanStds,SanJuan, PuertoRico, Puerto Rico EXSS-1037 - Intro to Exercise Science - University of Sydney, Australia EXSS-5011 - Clinical Biomechanics - University of Sydney, Australia FA FD-230 - Intro to Fashion Design - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FA PD FD-120 - Foundation Drawing - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FA-37 - Pintar La Sevilla Literaria - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain FAAEAT-330 - Art Therapy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FAFPFP-140 - Intro to Film Photography - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FAFPFP-140 - Intro to Film Photography - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FAPDAP-350 - Advanced Painting - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FAPDFS-225 - Florence Sketchbook - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FAPDFS-225 - Florence Sketchbook - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FAPDIP-220 - Foundation Painting - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FB-03 - Fonetica Correctiva y Convers. - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain FB-10 - Contemporary Spanish Cinema - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain FI-3101 - International Finance - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom FI-3101 - International Finance - City University London,England, United Kingdom FI-355 - Int'l Finance - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom FI-356 - Int'l Financial Markets&Invest - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain FI-356 - Int'l Financial Markets&Invest - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain FI-356 - Int'l Finan Mrkts & Investment - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy FI-356 - Int'l Finan Mrkts & Investment - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy FI-356 - Int'l Finan Mrkts & Investment - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy FI-373 - Venture Capital & Entrepreneur - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy FI/EC-360 - Asset Mkt Bank & Int'l Fin Sys - IES-Vienna, Austria FI/EC-360 - Asset Mkt Bank & Int'l Fin Sys - IES-Vienna, Austria FILM-2211 - Australian Cinema - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia FILM-2404220 - History of European Film - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark FILM-3311 - Contemporary British Film - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom FIN-20040 - Foundations of Finance - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland FIN-301 - Business Finance - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FIN-304 - Corporate Finance - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FIN-310 - Investments - CEA Barcelona, Spain FIN-320 - Investments & Portfolio Mgt - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FIN-322 - Business Finance - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia FIN-323 - Int'l Financial Management - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia FIN-341 - International Banking - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FIN-343 - Financial Analysis - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FIN-343 - Financial Analysis - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FIN-360 - International Finance - CEA Barcelona, Spain FIN-360PRG - International Finance - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FIN-388 - Intermediate Financial Managem - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy FINC-2011 - Corporate Finance I - University of Sydney, Australia FINC-3011 - Int'l Financial Management - University of Sydney, Australia FL-3010 - MusicalTraditions &Cltrl Cntxt - University College, Cork, Ireland FLM-3314 - Irish Literature & Film - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland FLM-376 - Spain Seen Through its Movies - CEA Barcelona, Spain FLM-385 - The Documentary Experience - CEA Barcelona, Spain FM-200 - Entrepreneurial Finance - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FM-202 - Analysis & Mgt Financial Risks - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FM-212 - Principles of Finance - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FM-225 - Fixed Income Securities, Debt - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FM-230 - Alternative Investments - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FM-250 - Finance - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FM-255 - Financial Mrkts & PortfolioMgt - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FM-350 - Advanced Corporate Finance - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom FMS-200 - Intro to Film Language - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FMS-255L - History of Popular Cinema - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FMS-256 - History of Cinema: The Auteurs - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic FNAR-140 - Intro to Drawing - AIFS,LibArts & Bus, Florence, Italy FNAR-150 - Intro to Painting - AIFS,LibArts & Bus, Florence, Italy FO/ES-330 - Sustainable Food & Agriculture - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany FP SO-320 - Immigration & Diversity Paris - IES Paris Business Program, France FR CM-325 - French Converstn & Currnt Evnt - IES Paris Business Program, France FR-113 - Beginning French I - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland FR-2105 - Corporate Risk Management - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom FR-2208 - Risk Analysis & Modeling - City University London,England, United Kingdom FR-2209 - Portfolio Theory & Invest Valu - City University London,England, United Kingdom FR-352 - French Lng in Cntxt: Indp Abrd - IES Paris Business Program, France FR-353 - French Lang Cont. Ind Abrd III - IES Paris Business Program, France FR-401 - French Lng Cntxt:Emrgng Comp I - IES Paris Business Program, France FR-422 - Translation - IES Paris Business Program, France FR-451 - FRN inCntxt: CompetentAbroad I - IES Paris Business Program, France FRE-5049 - SeriousPlay-EuroLiteraturGames - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom FREN-1001 - French Language Beginning I - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France FREN-1003 - Beginning French I - SIT Geneva-Int. Stu& Diplomacy, Switzerland FREN-2503 - Intermediate French II - SIT Geneva-Int. Stu& Diplomacy, Switzerland FREN-3003 - Advanced French I - SIT Geneva-Int. Stu& Diplomacy, Switzerland FRN-301 - French Lang Cntxt: Emgng Indep - IES Paris Business Program, France FRST-3101 - Paris Collage: His, Cltr & Arc - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France FRST-3101 - Paris Collage: His, Cltr & Arc - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France FS-06 - GndViewsInContmpSpanLit&Cinema - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain FS-06 - GndViewsInContmpSpanLit&Cinema - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain FS-07 - Intro to Spanish Cultural Stds - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain FS-13 - Languages of Int'l Development - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain FS-20140 - Irish Film & Television - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland FS-215 - Visual Storytelling - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain FS-321 - Film and the City - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain FS-325 - Gender ItalCinemaFascism-Today - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy FS-330 - Golden Age of Italian Cinema - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy FS-345 - Identity, Nations, & Values - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom FS-390 - London Video Film Prod Workshp - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom FS/CM-325 - Censored!What Brtsh Could Not - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom FS/GS-325 - Gndr Ital Cinema,Fascism-3rdM - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy FS/LT-340 - Britain in the 1940's - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom FS/LT-340 - Britain in the 1940's - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom FS/LT-340 - Britain in the 1940's - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom FSCI-3101 - Food, Nutrition, & Culture - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic FSST-250 - Science of Italian Food - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy FSST-330 - Sustainable Food Production - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy FSST-330 - Sustainable Food Production - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy FSST-330 - Sustainable Food Production - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy FT-318 - British Television Studies - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom FT-344 - Curating Contemp Euro Cinema - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom FTDX-1290 - Fashion Icon Trends & Lifestyl - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FTFCM-300 - Fashion Media & Culture - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FTFCPF-280 - FacesFactsPlacesItalianFashion - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FTFCSF-360 - Fashion Retail Management - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FTFCW-310 - Writing for the Fashion Indust - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FTFCW-310 - Writing for the Fashion Indust - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FVA-276 - History of Italian Cinema - Sant'Anna Univ,Sorrento,Italy, Italy FWCANC-505 - Nutritional Cooking - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWDNHN-150 - Health & Fitness Mediterranean - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWDNIN-305 - Intro to Nutrition - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWDNIN-305 - Intro to Nutrition - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWFCAD-301 - Food & Cltr: Anthropology Food - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWFCEC-308 - Everything Chocolate - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWFCHW-345 - Food, Health&Wellness in Italy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWFCNW-220 - Food, Wine & the City - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy FWWCPF-335 - Paring Food & Wine - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy GA-19 - Photography-Theory,Hist&ArtPho - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain GA-4105 - Intro to Irish Folklore - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland GB-19 - History of Slavery Latin Ameri - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain GB-19 - History of Slavery Latin Ameri - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain GB-39 - EuroUnion,Challanges in 21st C - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain GCBAALG-003 - Imagining the Dutch - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands GCDUB-336 - Child Psychology - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland GCFCO-X - International Finance - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy GCPRG-334 - Basice Operations Management - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic GCPRG-X - Sport & Cltr in Contemp Czech - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic GE/ES-340 - Geographic Information Systems - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany GEG-6233 - Climate Change & Climate Polic - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom GEND-3005 - Migration, Gender & Sexuality - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands GEND-3101 - Gender & Sexuality Netherlands - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands GEND-3101 - Gender & Sexuality Netherlands - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands GEND-3500 - Adv Theory & Appl Fem, LGBTQ - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands GEO-10140 - Mapping a Sustainable World - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland GEOG-10130 - Geography Matters - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland GEOG-355SYD - People, Place & Culture - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia GEOG-380 - Politics of Urban Agriculture - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy GEOL-0007 - The Earth - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom GEOL-20110 - Global Environmental Change - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland GOVT-1641 - Intro to Politics - University of Sydney, Australia GR-101 - German Lang Cntxt NoviceAbrd I - IES-Vienna, Austria GR-201 - GermanLang Cntxt NoviceAbr III - IES-Vienna, Austria GR-301 - GermanLang Cntxt Emrgng Indpnd - IES-Vienna, Austria GR-403 - Ger Lang Cntxt:EmerComp III - IES-Vienna, Austria GS-01 - Spain's Classical Heritage - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain GS-02 - Contemp Spain-Ecn,Soc&Env - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain GS-06 - Spanish Cuisine -Cultural Appr - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain GS-345 - Poetics & Pol of Gender France - IES Paris Business Program, France GSCI-320 - Water Resources Environment,So - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy GSHSHWW-210 - The Science of Happiness - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy GT ES-339 - The Climate Crisis - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain GV-2239 - Chinese Politics - University College, Cork, Ireland GV-3206 - Politics in Northern Ireland - University College, Cork, Ireland GV-3210 - Conflict and Resolution - University College, Cork, Ireland GY-100 - Intro to Geography - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom GY-121 - Sustainable Development - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom HAU-22012 - Cultural Int in His of Art 2 - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland HAU-22012 - Cultural Int in His of Art 2 - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland HAU-33007 - Islamic Art & Architecture - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland HE SO GE-X - Impact Glblztn on Health & Dev - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa HE SO GE-X - Impact Glblztn on Health & Dev - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa HE SO-323 - EndemicDiseases&Socioecon Cntx - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa HE SO-323 - EndemicDiseases&Socioecon Cntx - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa HE/SO-347 - Health & Community - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa HEIC-173 - Issues in British Imperialism - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom HF-328 - Australian Wine Industry - Boston University- Sydney, Aus, Australia HI-2046 - Policing & Popular Justice - University College, Cork, Ireland HI-253 - London at War - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom HI-254 - The History of Ireland - Boston U. Internship, Dublin, Ireland HI-257 - Ireland's Secret Past - Sacred Heart Univ, Dingle, Ire, Ireland HI-356 - Empires & Soft Power - Boston University- Sydney, Aus, Australia HI-4103 - Imagining Ireland - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland HI-429 - London's Women Social History - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom HI-429 - London's Women Social History - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom HI-429 - London's Women Social History - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom HIAR-08025 - History of Art - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom HIAR-10211 - Bodies of Change - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom HIEC-173 - Issues in British Imperialism - City University London,England, United Kingdom HIS-100 - What is History? - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic HIS-100 - What is History? - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic HIS-20820 - Nazi Germany - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland HIS-212 - Desarrollo de la nacion puerto - SpanStds,SanJuan, PuertoRico, Puerto Rico HIS-21330 - Glbl Asia His, Nat'l Bldg&Glbl - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland HIS-236 - Jewish ExperienceCentral Europ - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic HIS-236 - Jewish ExperienceCentral Europ - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic HIS-237 - Central European History - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic HIS-3002 - Past & Present in Barcelona - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain HIS-311 - Great Age of Italian Cities - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy HIS-320 - History of Modern Rome - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy HIS-320FCO - History of Modern Rome - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy HIS-336L - Cultural History of Spain - CEA Barcelona, Spain HIS-341 - Social History of Italian Mafi - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy HIS-341 - Social History of Italian Mafi - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy HIS-342 - Hist Rome Origins-Charlemagne - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy HIS-380 - History of Racism&AntiSemitism - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic HIS-4622 - Glbl Encntrs: Conquest & Cltr - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HIS-6374 - Alfred Hitch & New Film Histor - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HIS/ART-351 - Construc of Czech Nat Identity - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic HISP-3001 - Urban Cltr in Contemp Barcelon - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain HISP-3001 - Flamenco Andalusia: Lng, Msc - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain HISP-3502 - Cultural History of Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain HISP-3502 - Cultural History of Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain HIST-08035 - Medivial Wrlds:Jrny thru Middl - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom HIST-08036 - The History of Edinburgh - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom HIST-08042 - Themes Scottish Hist since1560 - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom HIST-08045 - History of the United States - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom HIST-10116 - Black Nationalism in America - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom HIST-3002 - The Image of the US in Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain HIST-3002 - 20th Century French History - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France HIST-3003 - Tribal Myths&Trad of the Czech - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic HIST-3005 - Portuguese Colonial Experience - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal HIST-3121 - Glbl Perspctvs Nursing & Midwi - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom HIST-318 - Czech&Central European History - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic HIST-3314 - Londn Museum Intro Brit Museol - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom HIST-350 - ST: History of the Mafia - Sant'Anna Univ,Sorrento,Italy, Italy HIST-350 - ST: History of the Mafia - Sant'Anna Univ,Sorrento,Italy, Italy HIST-352 - Americans & Greek Revolution - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece HIST/ARTH-347 - The Worlds of Medieval Greece - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece HIST/FSST/SOC-350 - History & Cultur Food in Italy - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy HIST/FSST/SOC-350 - History & Cultur Food in Italy - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy HIU-12023 - Ireland 1534-1815 A Survey - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland HIU-12024 - Europe 1500-1800: Power & Cltr - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland HL-300 - Comparative Healthcare Systems - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom HL-305 - Public Health in Europe - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom HL-395 - Health Studies Program Seminar - IES University of Santiago, Chile HL-395 - Comparative Social Policy - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom HL-X - Health Inequalities&Soc Health - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom HMRT-3000 - Foundation&Framework HumRights - SIT Jordan, Jordan HMRT-3500 - Comparative Issues Human Right - SIT Jordan, Jordan HMRT-3500 - Comparative Issues Human Right - SIT Jordan, Jordan HP-522 - Health&Wellbeing Across LifeCy - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom HP/FS-340 - Contemporary Spanish Film - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain HPFBRM-390 - Restaurant Management - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy HPFBSF-300 - The Italian Food Industry - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy HPFBWC-380 - Wine Communications & MKT - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy HPHRSW-410 - Special Event Management - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy HRTS-3420 - Being Int'l-Geopolitic&HumRght - UCONN Sum Intrnshp London, United Kingdom HS-215 - History Europe: Bldg Cntmp Eur - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain HS-236 - EmpireBldg:His&MythAncientRome - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy HS-236 - EmpireBldg:His&MythAncientRome - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy HS-260 - History of France - IES Paris Business Program, France HS-335 - ItalianFascism:1stTotalitarian - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy HS-336 - The History of London - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom HS-339 - Environmental History of Tokyo - IES, Tokyo, Japan, Japan HS-340 - History of Ireland 1798-1922 - IES Dublin, Ireland HS-351 - History of the Habsburg Empire - IES-Vienna, Austria HS-353 - History & Legends of Paris - IES Paris Business Program, France HS-360 - Northern Irish Troubles - IES Dublin, Ireland HS-405E - Practicum in Health Sciences - Boston U. Internship, Dublin, Ireland HS-508 - Chilean Rock & Contemp Wrld - IES University of Santiago, Chile HS/AH/CU-390 - Living in Siena - IES Study in Tuscany, Italy, Italy HS/AH/CU-390 - Living in Siena - IES Study in Tuscany, Italy, Italy HS/CU-21 - ViennasVictuals: CltrlHis Food - IES-Vienna, Austria HS/CU-304 - Vienna: Past & Present - IES-Vienna, Austria HS/IR-317 - Amer Cent: US in Western Eur - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain HS/IR-343 - Italy & the US - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy HS/SO-315 - France and Islam - IES Paris Business Program, France HSBH-3009 - International Health - University of Sydney, Australia HSCI-3120 - Comparative Healthcare Systems - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom HSCI-3122 - Glbl Hlth Post Covid19 NewWrld - CAPA, Sydney, Australia, Australia HST-370 - Art&Society 19th Cnt Brit&Fran - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-370 - Art&Society 19th Cnt Brit&Fran - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-5116 - From Muhammad to the Ottomans - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-5120 - Medieval London - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-5305 - British Horror: Film,TV,Litera - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-5394 - Consumed Amer Consum Cltr - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-5395 - Race in the United States - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-5700 - Crime & Punishment in London - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-6219 - Art & Power Early Mod Europe - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HST-6404 - The Darwinian Revolution - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HSTY-1089 - Australia Now - University of Sydney, Australia HSZ-4433 - Screening History - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom HUM-10030 - Introduction to Arts - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland IB CU-348 - Cult Heritage:Bus and Strateg - IES-Vienna, Austria IB IR-393 - Leading Across Cltrs-Princ&Pra - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain IB MG-329 - Business Ethics - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom IB-30178 - International Banking - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-325 - Marketing Management - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain IB-334 - Business of Sports in Europe - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain IB-340 - Contemporary Bus Issues & EU - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom IB-343 - Busin Ethics in Intl Framework - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain IB-343 - Bus Ethics in Int'cltrl Framew - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-348 - Management Theory & Practice - IES-Vienna, Austria IB-355 - Managing Fashion & Lux Compani - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-355 - Managing Fashion & Lux Compani - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-360 - Entrepreneurship: Euro Perspec - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain IB-360 - Entrepreneurship: Euro Perspec - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain IB-360 - Entrepreneurship & Startups - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-363 - Leading Across Cltrs, Princ&Pr - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom IB-375 - Strategic Management - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-380 - Managing "Made in Italy" Compa - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-380 - Managing "Made in Italy" Compa - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB-393 - Leading Across Cltrs: Principl - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IB/MG-320 - Strategic Management - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom IB/ST-350 - Econometrics for Business - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IBA-2DIVO - Digital Innovation - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands IBUS-250 - Euro Economies in Transition - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic IBUS-3000 - Alternative Fin Syst & Intrmed - SIT, Geneva, Banking & Finance, Switzerland ICA-089-01 - Chile & Insertion in Glbl Econ - IFSA Butler- Santiago Univs, Chile ICA-089-01 - Chile & Insertion in Glbl Econ - IFSA Butler- Santiago Univs, Chile ICA-4187 - Eonomia Internacional - IFSA Butler- Santiago Univs, Chile ICM-6077 - Migrant, Inequality & CultPoli - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom IDRHAR-340 - Italian Renaissance Archit. - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy IDRHMA-360 - Masters of Architecture - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy IDRHMA-360 - Masters of Architecture - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy IECH-0038 - Child & Adolescent Public Heal - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom IECH-0300 - Life Course Approach to Health - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom IECH-0800 - Data Analysis for Population H - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom IEE-1011 - Basic Korean - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-1154 - Korean Pop Cltr & Korean Wave - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-1171 - Social & Emotional Mind - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-2083 - Korean Art History - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3300 - Contemporary Korean Cin & Soci - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3300 - Contemporary Korean Cin & Soci - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3317 - Media Communications - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3329 - Brain & Cognition - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3341 - Korean I - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3371 - Understanding K Pop - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3579-01 - Int'l Politics Korean Peninsul - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3581 - Ecology of Human Development - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3583 - Society and Human Behavior - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IEE-3583 - Society and Human Behavior - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South IM-345 - Inter'l Management Environment - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom IM/IB-320 - Strategic Management - IES-Vienna, Austria IMAG-012 - Photographing the City: London - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom IMMU-2011 - Immunobiology - University of Sydney, Australia IN-315 - Arts,Entertainmnt & Cultrl Mgt - IES-Vienna, Austria INIM-007 - Infection - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom INPR-210 - Work & Thought in Action - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom INRE-3003 - Spain & European Integration - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain INRE-3003 - European Immigration - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France INRE-4007 - Cntmpry Cntrvs in Int'l Relati - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica INRE-X - ContempControversies Int'l Rel - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France INRL-1002 - Foundations of Int'l Relations - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland INRL-20080 - Irish Foreign Policy - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland INRL-20110 - Intro the Middle East Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland INRL-20160 - Intro to European Union Politi - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland INRL-30310 - U.S. Foreign Policy - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland INST-3000 - Int'l Relations & Multilateral - SIT Geneva-Int. Stu& Diplomacy, Switzerland INT-228 - World History - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic INTRN-3000 - Internship & Seminar - SIT, Peace & Conflict, Serbia, Serbia IP-2036 - Politics in the USA - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom IP-2041 - Violent Politics - City University London,England, United Kingdom IP-3020 - American Foreign Policy - City University London,England, United Kingdom IPH-6000 - Epidemiology and Statistics - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom IR-106 - From Sarajevo to Baghdad - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom IR-130 - War, Power & Morality - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy IR-140 - Glbl Comm, Citizens, Cltrl Pol - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom IR-140 - Glbl Comm, Citizens, Cltrl Pol - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom IR-245 - New Security Issues Glbzd Wrld - IES Paris Business Program, France IR-3044 - Pathways of E.U State Formatio - Univ St Andrews - Scotland, United Kingdom IR-306 - Itn'l Human Rights Law - Boston U. Internship, Dublin, Ireland IR-335 - British & Europe - A New Begin - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom IR-339 - Australia & Pol Regional Secur - Boston University- Sydney, Aus, Australia IR-421 - Glb Govnce, Ecn Dev&Hmn Rights - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland IR-421 - Glb Govnce, Ecn Dev&Hmn Rights - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland IR-427 - Int'l Business Euro Framework - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom IR-444 - Activities of Int'l Organizati - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland IR-445 - Intro to Public Int'l Law - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland IR-445 - Intro to Public Int'l Law - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland IR/ES-300 - Earth Collapse? Navigatn Chart - IES Paris Business Program, France IR/PO/SO-347 - The Wall - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain IREL-373 - Arc of Crisis inEurope's South - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece IRS-115 - Culture & Globalization - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom IRS-115 - Culture & Globalization - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom IRS-300 - Global Security - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic IRS-352 - US National Security Policy - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic IRS-383-683 - Terrorism in Global Politics - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic IRST-10010 - Intro to Irish Studies - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland IRST-10020 - Intro Irish Cultural Studies - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland IRST-10030 - Irish America; Culture&Society - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland IRST-20060 - Reading Irish Studies - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland IRST-30150 - Ireland Uncovered - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland IRU-11041 - Early Irish Sagas - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland IS ID LF-340 - Dante Alighieri Florence Readi - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy IS IT II-201 - Italian Language Intermediate - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy IS-1104 - Migrnt Expernce Mod Irish Wrtn - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland IS-1106 - Imagining Modern Ireland - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland IS-2100 - Music, Gender & Ireland - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland IS-2103 - Irish Landscapes Cltr & Litera - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland ISB-6009 - International Relations - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South ISISED-335 - Education in Italy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy ISITCI-101 - Communicating in Italian - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy ISITIB-101 - Italian Language Beginner - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy ISPR-3000 - Independent Study Project - SIT Tropical Ecol, Panama City, Panama IT CU-370 - Ital Conversation Cltr&Cuisine - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IT-101 - Italian Lang. in Context - IES Study in Tuscany, Italy, Italy IT-102 - Italian Language in Context - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy IT-102 - ItalianLang&CltrCntxtNovice II - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IT-102 - ItalianLang&CltrCntxtNovice II - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IT-301 - ItalLang & Cltr-Emergng Indep - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy IT-301 - ItalLang & Cltr-Emergng Indep - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy ITA-101 - Beginning Italian I - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy ITA-101 - Ital Lang&CltrCntxt, NovAbrd I - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy ITA-103 - Intermediate Italian II - AIFS,LibArts & Bus, Florence, Italy ITA-112 - Beginning Italian II - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy ITA-204 - Intermediate Italian II - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy ITA-301 - ITA Lang&Culture in Context - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy ITA-303 - Advanced Italian - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy ITA-401 - Advanced Italian - AIFS,LibArts & Bus, Florence, Italy ITAL-101 - Living Perugia: Cltr Lang Refl - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy ITL-202-299 - Intm2: Adv.Italian, Lang, Cult - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy JOUR-3001 - International Journalism - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France JOUR-3001 - International Reporting - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic JOUR-3003 - Photojournalism - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France JOUR-3004 - SocialMediaImpactJournalismSoc - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic JP-101 - Japanese LangCntxt-NovisAbrd I - IES, Tokyo, Japan, Japan JRN-255 - Video Storytelling - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic JRN-323 - International Journalism - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic JRN-361BCN - Digital Journalism & Comm Blog - CEA Barcelona, Spain KU-1001 - Korean Intensive Language - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South L-1284 - Gender Emotions & Power - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark L-1284 - Gender Emotions & Power - API-Bus,Hum,ScSci,Lisbon,Port, Portugal L-21BB - Financial Markets & Institutio - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy L-5321 - Portuguese History & Culture - API-Bus,Hum,ScSci,Lisbon,Port, Portugal LA-1108 - French for Beginners - City University London,England, United Kingdom LA-2017 - Performing Arts in London - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom LAABACIW-307 - Social Media Analytics - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands LAAHAA-355 - Art & Archit Florence& Tuscany - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAAHAH-210 - Intro to Art History - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAAHIR-220 - Intro to Renaissance Art - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAAHIR-220 - Intro to Renaissance Art - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAAHIR-220 - Intro to Renaissance Art - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LACB-3000 - Culture & Society: Chile - SIT- Cul Iden, Soc Justice, Chile LACB-3005 - Socioeconomic Develpmnt: Chile - SIT- Cul Iden, Soc Justice, Chile LACLBT-280 - Bibliotherapy:Readng,Healng&We - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAHSCM-390 - Contemporary Mafia & Antimafia - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAHSCM-390 - Contemporary Mafia & Antimafia - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAHSIR-330 - History of Italian Renaissance - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAHSMF-230 - Medici Family:FlorentineLegacy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAHSMF-230 - Medici Family:FlorentineLegacy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAHSSR-280 - Florentine Art Walks - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAHSSR-280 - Florentine Art Walks - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAN-6011 - French Language & Culture - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom LAN-6011 - French Language & Culture - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom LAPAMD-150 - Modern Dance Beginner - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAPAMP-370 - Music Production - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAPLBE-320 - Biomedical Ethics - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAPLEW-330 - Ethics in a World Context - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAPSEG-340 - Ethics of Globalization - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAPYCS-190 - Culture Shock - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAPYTW-300 - Grow, Cook - Heal Therapy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LARSRC-270 - Religion,Cnflct,Violence&Peace - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LARSRC-270 - Religion,Cnflct,Violence&Peace - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LAS-330 - Australian Life & Culture - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia LATI-08008 - Latin 1B - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom LATI-08008 - Latin 1B - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom LATI-10022 - Lucretius, De rerum Natura - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom LATI-10022 - Lucretius, De rerum Natura - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom LAW-10520 - Intro to Penology - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland LAW-10550 - Criminal Behavior - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland LAWS-08114 - International Law - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom LAWS-08128 - Scottish Legal System - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom LAWS-2800 - Occupational Hlth & Safety Law - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia LET-0111 - Ancient & Medieval Literature - IES University of Santiago, Chile LET-1005 - Chilean & Hispanic - American - IES University of Santiago, Chile LET-1013 - Spanish Literature - IES University of Santiago, Chile LET-1027 - Spanish Language History - IES University of Santiago, Chile LING-109 - Lang Culture & Communications - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia LIT-200 - Intro to Literature - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic LIT-312 - Literature and Place - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom LIT-340 - Britain in the 40's: Film &Lit - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom LITR-3312 - Shakespeare in London - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom LITR/THTR-3320 - Storytelling:Wrting Irish Cltr - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland LITR/THTR-3320 - Storytelling:Wrting Irish Cltr - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland LITR/THTR-3321 - Playwright in Practice - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland LITR/THTR-3321 - Playwright in Practice - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland LLL-MEFI - Literatura de los Pueblos Org - IFSA Butler, Merida, Mex, Mexico LONS ARLC-103 - London: City of Art - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS DTPC-181 - The London Stage - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS ENCW-210 - Creative Wrtng the Art of Fict - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS HSCH-283 - Imagining London:Cultural Hist - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS LISG-320 - Sex & Gender London Literature - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS LIUK-120 - The London Novel - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS MSHP-142 - Intro to British Media - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS SO GL-212 - The Making of Global London - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS-BUMC310 - Marketing Communications Media - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS-DTPC181 - London Stage-Text & Performanc - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LONS-DTSH280 - Intro to Shakespear Text & Per - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom LS-312 - Spanish through Cult Destinat - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain LS-449 - Contemporary Spanish Novel - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain LSHHAD-290 - Drug Abuse&Behaviorl Addiction - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LSHHHC-350 - Hlth Communictn & Virtual Care - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LSHHHC-350 - Hlth Communictn & Virtual Care - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LSHHPH-350 - Public Health - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LSHHSW-200 - Social Work - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LSHSHM-380 - History of the Mafia - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LSHSHM-380 - History of the Mafia - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LSLI-41LM - Writing&Thinking About Fiction - IES Paris Business Program, France LSSOCI-202 - Cultural Introduction to Italy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy LT-250 - Intro a la Literature Francais - IES Paris Business Program, France LT-252 - Travel Writing in Spain/Europe - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain LT-312 - Intro to Literary Studies - IES University of Santiago, Chile LT-312 - Literature and Place - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom LT-322 - Contemporary British Fiction - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom LT-328 - Investigtng Mafia Lit,Cin,Medi - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy LT-331 - French Women Writers - IES Paris Business Program, France LT-351 - American Expatriate Writers - IES Paris Business Program, France LT-351 - Shakespeare the Dramatist - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom LT-353 - Storytelling - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain LT-375 - Barcelona & Latin Amer Lit Boo - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain LT-444 - Cervantes and His Time - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain LT-456 - The Shadows We Cast - IES Dublin, Ireland LT/CU-270 - Celtic Myth & Legend Ireland - IES Dublin, Ireland LUISS T009-IUS 13 - International Law - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy LUISS-M070 - Int'l Organizat & Human Rights - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy LUISS-T008 - International Relations - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy M-112 - Global Trade - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy M-200IT - BehvEcon & Consumer Dec Making - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy MARI-112 - Marine Biology-Living Ocean - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand MARK-006 - The Power of Brands - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom MART-112 - Marketing - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand MATH-1015 - Mathematics - An Exploration - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy MATH-10310 - Calculus for Science - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland MAU-22S02 - Vector for Calculus for Scienc - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland ME-116 - Intro to Statistics - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom MED-350 - Media & Politics in Western Eu - CEA Barcelona, Spain MED-352 - Gender Represent in the Media - CEA Barcelona, Spain MED-352 - Gender Represent in the Media - CEA Barcelona, Spain MED-352 - Gender Represent in the Media - CEA Barcelona, Spain MED-352 - Gender Represent in the Media - CEA Barcelona, Spain MEDI-2004 - Pharmacology Fundamentals - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia MEDI-2400 - Foundations in Ethics &Society - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia MFD-20010 - Producing Music, Film & Drama - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland MG IB-302 - Managing Behavior in Organizat - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy MG IB-329 - Business Ethics - IES-Vienna, Austria MG IB-355 - Intntl Mrktng Mngmnt: Europe - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom MG-101 - Marketing - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom MG-106 - Strategic Management - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom MG-130 - Management of Organizations - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom MG-133 - PowerStatus&Conflict in Organi - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom MG-209 - Bargaining & Negotiation - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom MG-302 - Managing Behavior Organization - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom MG-303 - Int'l Bus Strat & Emer Mkts - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom MG/IB-329 - Business Ethics - IES Paris Business Program, France MG/IB-329 - Business Ethics - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom MG/IB/IM-X - Managing Behavior Organization - IES-Vienna, Austria MGMT-3008 - Organizational Behavior - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France MGT-301 - Business Ethics - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic MGT-301 - Business Ethics - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic MGT-430 - Strategic Planning - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic MHR-351 - Essentials of Organiz Behavior - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia MHR-375 - Global Management - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia MICR-3071 - Environmental Microbiology - Univ of S. Wales, Australia MIS-272 - Bus Analytics & Software App I - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia MK IB-346 - Brand Management - CEA Barcelona, Spain MK-19 - Consumer Behavior - CEA Barcelona, Spain MK-344 - Int'l Market Toward Global Bus - IES-Vienna, Austria MK-350 - Digital Mkt & Communications - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain MK-4603 - Marketing - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland MK/CM-345 - Digital Marketing & Communicat - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain MK/IB-305 - Int'l Bus & Mkt Central Europe - IES-Vienna, Austria MK/IB-315 - Arts, Entertainment, Cult Mgt - IES-Vienna, Austria MK/IB-315 - Arts, Entertainment, Cult Mgt - IES-Vienna, Austria MKIB-346 - Brand Management - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain MKT-300 - Principles of Marketing - CEA Barcelona, Spain MKT-318 - International Marketing - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic MKT-320 - International Marketing - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy MKT-321 - Intl Business Marketing - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland MKT-323 - Customer Experience Mgt - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic MKT-332 - Sport Marketing - CEA Barcelona, Spain MKT-333 - Sport Marketing - CEA Barcelona, Spain MKT-343 - Creative Advertising - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic MKT-355 - Marketing Management - CEA Barcelona, Spain MKT-375 - Marketing Research - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic MKT-382 - The Business of Social Media - CEA Barcelona, Spain MKTG-340 - Marketing Today's Fashion - AIFS,LibArts & Bus, Florence, Italy MKTG-350 - The Marketing of Wine in Italy - AIFS,LibArts & Bus, Florence, Italy ML-300 - Environments of Organization - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia ML-353 - Operations Mgt in Organization - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia ML-406 - International Management - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia MMCC-1015 - Media Practice & Production - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia MMCC-1050 - Multimodal Storytelling - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia MR-305 - Principles of Sound Rec&Acoust - IES-Vienna, Austria MS-201 - The Music of Spain - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain MS-207 - Music in Performance - IES-Vienna, Austria MS-215 - Intro Music:Learning to Listen - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain MS-272 - Film Music - IES-Vienna, Austria MS-371 - Arnold Schoenberg & 20th Cent - IES-Vienna, Austria MS-51812 - Mind, Brains, & Machines - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain MS-51812 - Mind, Brains, & Machines - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain MSCI-1001 - Introductory Marine Science - Univ of S. Wales, Australia MSFC-362 - Contemporary British Film - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom MSFC-362 - Contemporary British Film - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom MST-10010 - Calculus I - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland MT/ST-220 - Intro to Probability&Statistic - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain MTG-315 - Principles of Marketing - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia MTG-346 - International Marketing - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia MU-2108 - Music History - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland MU-2999 - Popular Music in Britain - City University London,England, United Kingdom MUS-1022 - Popular Music - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland MUSC-1503 - Fundamentals of Music I - University of Sydney, Australia NEU-2502555 - CognitiveNeurosciConsciousness - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark NG-160 - Indigenous Art Exploration - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland NLST-3002 - Contemporary Dutch Social Poli - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands NT-34 - Mediterranean Nutrition & Gast - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain NUTR-320 - Nutrition in Exercise - CEA, Seville, Spain, Spain OPH-6009 - Global Health, Governance &Law - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom OPH-6009 - Global Health, Governance &Law - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom P-BBAA-1 - Behavior & the Brain: Addicti - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands P-F - Internship Syllabus_23_24AY - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia PABAALG-002 - Text Mining - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands PBSTRHEA-1 - Stress & Health - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands PEAC-3000 - The Breakup & Wars of 1990s - SIT, Peace & Conflict, Serbia, Serbia PEAC-3005 - Peace & Conflict Studies - SIT, Peace & Conflict, Serbia, Serbia PG-300 - Photography A Critical Introdu - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy PG-328 - UnderstndngPhoto:DecodingStill - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PG-328 - UnderstndngPhoto:DecodingStill - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PH-360 - Cross Cultural Philosophy - IES-Vienna, Austria PH-380 - Aspects of Free Will Debate - IES-Vienna, Austria PH-506 - Principles of Int'l Health - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland PH-507 - Controversies in Int'l Health - BU Geneva Internship Prgrm, Switzerland PH-6047 - Philosophy & Health - University College, Cork, Ireland PH/ES-302 - Ethics & Sustainabilty - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany PHAS-0004 - Atoms, Stars and the Universe - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom PHI-183 - Intro to Existentialism - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHI-285 - Philosophy of Technology - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHI-385 - Philosophy & Society - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHI-385 - Philosophy & Society - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHI-401 - Advanced Seminar in Philosophy - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHIL-0011 - Applied Ethics - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom PHIL-08005 - Philosophy of Science - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PHIL-1004 - Artistotle:Ethics & Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland PHIL-10093 - Political Philosophy - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PHIL-2026 - Ethics & Moral Psych Good/Evil - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PHIL-2617 - Practical Ethics - University of Sydney, Australia PHIL-30590 - Aristotle: Ethics & Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland PHIL-344 - How to Become What You Are - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PHIL-344 - How to Become What You Are - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PHIL-352 - PhilosophyMagic&ReligionRennai - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PHIL-356 - Concept Life-AncientGreek Phil - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PHL HL-310 - Int'l & Euro Hlth & Human Righ - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom PHL-104 - Ethics and Justice - Arcadia-Univ of Auckland, New Zealand PHL-104 - Principles of Ethics - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHL-151 - Intro to Philosophy - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHL-30590 - Aristotle: Ethics & Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland PHL-320 - Environmental Ethics - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PHL-330L - Stoic Philosophy in AncientRom - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PHL-351 - WhoWantsLiveForever,Transhuman - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PHL-352 - Phl, Magic, and Rel in the Ren - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PHL-X - The Ethical Brain: PHL & NEU - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark PHOL-310 - Int'l Health & Human Rights - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PHT-301 - Photography in Rome - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PHYC-20040 - Exploring the Solar System - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland PHYS-1111 - Fundamentals of Physics - Univ of S. Wales, Australia PI-210 - Moral & Political Philosophy - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland PI-2108 - Philosophy in Irish Schools - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland PI-310 - Topics in Applied Philosophy - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland PI-3101 - Environmental Ethics - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland PICT-1030 - Intro to Criminology - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PICT-2012 - Modern Warefare - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PIU-1102 - Central Problems in Philosophy - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland PLIT-08020 - Int'l Polical Economy - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PLIT-10096 - Democracy and its Discontents - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PLIT-10123 - Politics of Oil - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PLIT-10138 - Perspectives on Digital Capita - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PO CM-350 - Media & the UK Politics - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PO-222 - The English Legal System - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom PO-223 - Issues Contemp Politics&Ethics - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom PO-223 - Issues Contemp Politics&Ethics - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom PO-245 - Nationalism in Spain in the EU - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain PO-260 - Australian Political System - Boston University- Sydney, Aus, Australia PO-3005 - Issues in Irish Politics - University College, Cork, Ireland PO-325 - Politics in Spain - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PO-325 - Intro Euro Integration-History - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PO-352 - Europe Beyond the Nation State - IES-Vienna, Austria PO-357 - Int'l Org: Structure & Case St - IES-Vienna, Austria PO-359 - British Pol Inst Theory/Practi - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom PO-363 - Politic & Society ContempJapan - IES, Tokyo, Japan, Japan PO-475 - Democracy in Western Europe - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PO/CM-335 - Media & Politics in Spain - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PO/HL-310 - Int'l &Euro Health&Human Right - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PO/HL-310 - Int'l &Euro Health&Human Right - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PO/HL-310 - Int'l &Euro Health&Human Right - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PO/HL-310 - Int'l &Euro Health&Human Right - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PO/HS/PH-355 - PoliticsPhilosophy Power Machi - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy PO/HS/PH-355 - PoliticsPhilosophy Power Machi - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy PO/IR-226 - Geopolitc&Security Mediter Reg - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy PO/IR-265 - Terrorism: An Introduction - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy PO/IR-359 - Europe in Crisis - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PO/PH-342 - His of Italian Political Phil. - IES Study in Tuscany, Italy, Italy PO/PS-320 - Political Psychology - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy POCG-355 - Comparative Government - Arcadia Univ.Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom POHL-310 - Health & Human Rights - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-10120 - Foundations of Global Developm - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland POL-10160 - Foundations Contemporary Polit - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland POL-10180 - Foundations of PoliticalTheory - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland POL-106 - Intro International Relations - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-110 - Ethnicity & Divrsty CzechRepub - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic POL-110A - Thinking Politically - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom POL-113 - Politics in Action - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-180 - Global Sociology - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-180 - Global Sociology - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-20010 - Topics in International Develo - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland POL-243 - British Politics - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-2502819 - ShdwWars:FakeNews/HybrdWarfare - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark POL-252 - Political Research - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-256 - War in World Politics - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-257 - Int'l Politics Developing Wrld - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-261 - Power in Global Governance - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-284 - Comparative Politics - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-30690 - Intro to Asian Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland POL-340 - EU Integration - CEA Barcelona, Spain POL-351 - Political Marketing - CEA Barcelona, Spain POL-366 - Democracy in Czech Republic - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic POL-369 - Political Data Research - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-373 - Parliamentary Studies - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-382 - Contemporary Russian Politics - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-385 - Global Ethics - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POL-398 - AmerPol,Carceral State SocMvmt - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom POLI-3002 - European Comprtv Polit Systems - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica POLI-3002 - Political & Econ Devlmt Nether - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands POLI-3003 - Rise&Fall Cent. EUR Totalitar - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic POLI-3005 - Comparative Politics - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France POLI-3006 - Migration&Mobility Global Worl - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France POLI-3007 - Dvlpmt, Pvrty & Humn Rights - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica POLS-0016 - British Politics - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom POLS-0030 - Ethics of Crime & Punishment - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom POLS-0089 - Regulating Big Business - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom POLS-0099 - Politics of Nature - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom POLS-0101 - Environmental & Climate Justic - Univ College London,England, United Kingdom POLS-2401 - Politics & the Economy - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia POLS-2402 - Glblztn & Int'l Political Econ - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia POLS-3208 - Conceptions of World Politics - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia POME-350 - Politics of the Middle East - Arcadia Univ.Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom POPD-350 - Political Sociology - Arcadia Univ.Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom PORT-2001 - Inten. Portuguese Intrm. I - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal PORT-2003 - Semester Portuguese Intrm I - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal POS-101 - Intro to Politics I - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic POS-330/630 - Humanitarian Law - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic POS-358 - Migration & Middle East - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic POU-22012 - History of Political Thought - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland POU-22012 - History of Political Thought - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland POU-22032 - Comparative Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland POU-33021 - Irish Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland POU-33032 - Gvrn in Ireland, Pltcs in N.I - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland POU-33102 - Pol Violence&Conflict - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland PPE-X - Glblztn Populism & Identity - Arcadia Univ.Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom PPLS-08002 - Intro to Cognitive Science - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PR ARTH-332 - Czech Art & Architecture - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR CEST-250 - Pol. & Cltrl His. of Europe - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR CEST-250 - Pol. & Cltrl His. of Europe - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR CEST-320 - Franz Kafka & Cntrl Eur. Lit - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR CEST-354 - Prague, Vienna & Budapest - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR CEST-355 - Resistance & Dissent - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR CEST-355 - Resistance & Dissent - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR LANG-100 - Beginning Czech Language - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR-4010 - Anatomy 1 - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland PR/CEST-250 - Pol&Cult Hist of E. Cent Europ - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/CEST-330 - Fairytales & Society - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/CEST-354 - Ber,Vienna,Prg,Bud:Pol/Cul His - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/CEST-354 - Ber,Vienna,Prg,Bud:Pol/Cul His - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/CEST-360 - Soc&Cult Hist of Communist Eur - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/CEST-360 - Soc&Cult Hist of Communist Eur - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/CEST-360 - Soc&Cult Hist of Communist Eur - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/CEST-361 - Socialist Consumer Culture - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/ECON-320 - Eur Econ &Monetary Integration - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/ECON-340 - World Econ, Finance, and Tech - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/INT-350 - Internship - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/INTR-342 - Nat, Min, and Migration in Eur - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PR/LANG-100 - Beginning Czech Language - CET, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic PRCEST-361 - Socialist Consumer Culture - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PRCEST-361 - Socialist Consumer Culture - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PRCEST-361 - Socialist Consumer Culture - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PRCOMM-370 - From Propoganda to Post Truth - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PRCOMM-370 - From Propoganda to Post Truth - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PRINTR-342 - Nationalism,Minorities&Migrati - CET Prague Czech Republic, Czech Republic PS MG-322 - Organizational Behavior - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS MG-322 - Organizational Behavior - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS-1006 - Lifespan Psychology - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PS-230 - Positive Psychology - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy PS-230 - PositivePsych:Science GoodLife - IES-Vienna, Austria PS-235 - Cross Cultural Psychology - IES-Vienna, Austria PS-3013 - Organizational Psychology - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PS-3022 - Intro to Education Psychology - City University London,England, United Kingdom PS-3028 - Memory and the Law - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PS-3034 - Emotions - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom PS-321 - PersonalityTheories&Psychopath - IES-Vienna, Austria PS-330 - Psy of Language - IES-Vienna, Austria PS-340 - Self & Identity Post Mod World - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS-340 - Italian&AmerApproachesMntlHlth - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy PS-343 - Psychology, Health & Wellbeing - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS-343 - Psychology, Health & Wellbeing - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS-343 - Psych, Health, and Wellbeing - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain PS-343 - Psychology & Society in Vienna - IES-Vienna, Austria PS-346 - Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic - IES-Vienna, Austria PS-3467 - Child Health & Wellbeing - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland PS-350 - HumanDevelopment Spanish Socio - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS-356 - Applied Developmental Psycholo - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland PS-360 - Transcultural Psychology - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy PS-4011 - Social Psychology - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland PS-4097 - Developmental Psychopathology - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland PS-410 - Cultural Perspectives in Psych - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS-428 - Social Psychology - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland PS/CU-326 - Dialogues on Difference - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS/IC-260 - Cross-Cultural Psychology - CEA Barcelona, Spain PS/IC-260 - Cross Cultural Psychology - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain PS/PO-320 - Political Psychology - IES-Vienna, Austria PSC-20250 - Irish Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland PSC-363 - The Euro Union-Challengs&Strat - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSCI-317 - The Evolution of Human Rights - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSCI-340 - History & Politics Europ Union - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy PSCI-341 - Humanitarian Crisis Today - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSCI-348 - Imm,Citznshp,&Nationlsm Europe - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSCI-357 - Social Movements - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSCI-362 - Border, Boundaries & Hum Mobil - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSPYC-3352 - Child Development BritishCntxt - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom PSU-344OV - Psychology of Criminal Behavio - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland PSU-3477 - Traffic Psychology - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland PSU-348 - Global Mental Health - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland PSU-34820 - Workplace Wellbeing - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland PSUK-130 - Intro to British Politics - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom PSY-150 - Intro to Psychology - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic PSY-320 - Intercltrl Interact Psy Perspe - CEA Barcelona, Spain PSY-331FCO - Social Psychology - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PSY-332 - Cognitive Psychology - CEA Barcelona, Spain PSY-333 - Abnormal Psychology - CEA Barcelona, Spain PSY-334 - Positive Psychology - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PSY-337 - Psychopathology - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PSY-342 - Organizational Behavior - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PSY-342 - Consciousness - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSY-342 - Real World ApplicationsVisual - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PSY-350 - Psychology of Human Relationsh - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PSY-351 - Sport Psychology - CEA, Seville, Spain, Spain PSY-352 - Psych of Judgement DecisionMak - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy PSY-352 - Appetite: Psychology of Eating - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PSY-362 - Trauma and the Remakng of Self - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece PSY-440 - Psychology of Driving - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PSY-X - Social Psychology in Adults - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden PSY-X - Social Psychology in Adults - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden PSYC SOC-246 - Criminal Behavior - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy PSYC-1024 - ClinicalPerspectives onAnxiety - Univ of S. Wales, Australia PSYC-112 - Human Thought and Behavior - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYC-2002 - Social Psychology - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain PSYC-2002 - Social Psychology - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France PSYC-201 - Counselling Approaches & Princ - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PSYC-3001 - Cross Cultural Pscychology - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands PSYC-3001 - Learning and Behavior - University of Sydney, Australia PSYC-3009 - Environmental Psychology - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands PSYC-3009 - Environmental Psychology - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands PSYC-3012 - Cognitive Psychology - University of Sydney, Australia PSYC-3015 - Personality & Psychological - University of Sydney, Australia PSYC-3017 - Social Psychology - University of Sydney, Australia PSYC-3018 - Mental Health Conditions - University of Sydney, Australia PSYC-326 - Human Factors & Ergonomics - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYC-328 - Behavior Analysis EverydayLife - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYC-330 - Drugs, Behavior, Addiction Pol - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYC-405 - Clinical Neuropsychology - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYC-406 - Foun of Clinical Intervention - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYC-422 - Contemp Issues in Psychology - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYC-435 - Developmental Psychopathology - Otago Univ Dunedin, New Zealan, New Zealand PSYL-10158 - Origins of Competence - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PSYL-10177 - Moral Psychology in Real World - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom PSYU-238 - Intro to Psycholinguistics - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia PSZ-211 - Cognitive Psychology - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom PSZ-233 - Psych of Individual Difference - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom PUB-3001 - Dutch Public Health - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands PUBH-1110 - Integrative Thinking in Health - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia PUBH-2004 - Understanding Health Behaviors - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia PUBH-3001 - Dimensions of Health Care - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain PUBH-3001 - Dimensions Hlth Care, TheoryPr - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain PUBH-3001 - Public Health in Netherlands - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands PUBH-3004 - Family Schools & Child Develop - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France PUBH-3006 - Contemp Challenges Global Heal - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain PY-1013 - The Enlightenment - Univ St Andrews - Scotland, United Kingdom QST FE-449 - Corporate Financial Management - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom QST IM-345 - London Int'l Mngmt Environment - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom QST MK-467 - International Marketing - Boston University Internship, United Kingdom REL-322 - Ancient Greek Mytholo&Religion - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece REL-322 - Ancient Greek Mytholo&Religion - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece REL-322 - Ancient Greek Mytholo&Religion - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece REL-341 - Jewish Experience in Prague - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic REL-341 - Jewish Experience in Prague - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic REL-350 - Religions of the Middle East - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece REL-353 - The Western Church in Context - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy REL-365 - The Orthodox Church - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece RELI-2001 - Politics of Religion - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France RELI-2001 - Politics of Religion - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica REU-12501 - Ethics Matters - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland RL-236 - MysticsPhilosopherSaintsSinner - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy RL-312 - Coexistence & Conflict - IES-Vienna, Austria RL-350 - Iberian Peninsula: Cltr & Reli - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain ROME-230 - Ancient Art&Archaeology Rome - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy ROME-270 - Urban & Global Rome - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy ROME-270 - Urban & Global Rome - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy ROME-347 - Visual World Politics - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy S AIS-X - AI & Society: Fixing Algorithm - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands SAR-210 - Roman Sketchbook - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy SAR-211 - StudioBarcelona:ArtistsPerspec - CEA Barcelona, Spain SARHS-422 - Ethics in Healthcare - Boston U. Internship, Dublin, Ireland SARHS-425 - Healthcare Policy&Practice IRE - Boston U. Internship, Dublin, Ireland SART-1135 - Digital Photography - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy SC-3012 - Language & Learning - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland SC-3016 - Childrens Literature - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland SCAN-08011 - Social Anthropology - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCAN-08016 - Social Life & Climate Change - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCET-08006 - Conceptualizing Scotland - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCET-10034 - Traditional Music - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCHI-10077 - From Convenanting Rev to Jacob - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCI-10010 - Principles of Scientific Enq. - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SCIL-08004 - The Sociological Imagination - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-08012 - Thinking Sociologically - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-08013 - Researching Social Life - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-08018 - Individuals & Society - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10023 - Intimate Relationships - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10047 - Social and Political Movements - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10047 - Social and Political Movements - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10064 - Popular Music, Techn & Society - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10072 - Sociology of Emotions - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10080 - Contemporary Issues in Sociolg - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10083 - Sociology of the Arts - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10093 - Sociology of Freedom - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10094 - The Modern Self & Art - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCIL-10094 - The Modern Self & Art - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCO-2013 - World Around US 2 - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland SCOT ENTW-218 - Cross Cltrl Travel Wrtng: Scot - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCPL-08004 - Social Policy & Society - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCPL-08004 - Social Policy & Society - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SCS-1009 - Literacy & Communication - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland SCTE-08006 - Scottish Studies: Concpt Scot - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom SDIS-3320 - The Role of Civil Society - SIT Jordan, Jordan SDIS-3320 - The Role of Civil Society - SIT Jordan, Jordan SECS-P-07 - Intro to Business Economics - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy SECS-S-04 - Statistics - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy SEO-2001 - Northern Ireland Culture & ED - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland SERB-1003 - Serbian I - SIT, Peace & Conflict, Serbia, Serbia SES-3071 - Working with Parents - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland SFS-3020 - Enviro Pol & Socioeconomic Val - SFS Marine Res Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands SFS-3022 - Marine Conservation Governance - SFS Marine Res Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands SFS-3730 - Tropical Marine Ecology - SFS Marine Res Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands SFS-4910 - Directed Research - SFS Marine Res Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands SFS-740 - Principles of Marine Resource - SFS Marine Res Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands SG-1018 - Exploring London - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom SG-109 - Intro to Criminology - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom SHSSAY-190 - Art of Yoga and Meditation - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy SHSSFW-380 - Health,Fitness& Wellness Italy - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy SI-328 - Exercise Physiology - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland SMBOAP-200 - Human Anatomy & Physiology - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy SMCHCA-310 - Chemistry & the Visual Arts - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy SO-110 - Power, Inequality & Difference - Arcadia/Butler-London Sch Econ, United Kingdom SO-310 - ContemporaryUrban Soc in Japan - IES, Tokyo, Japan, Japan SO-312 - France Today-Politics& Society - IES Paris Business Program, France SO-360 - Designing the Sustainable City - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom SO-360 - Designing the Sustainable City - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom SO-360 - Designing the Sustainable City - IES-Vienna, Austria SO-363 - Japanese Society & Culture - IES, Tokyo, Japan, Japan SO-4033 - Sociology of Media - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland SO/AN-321 - Childhood & Youth - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa SO/AN-321 - Childhood & Youth - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa SO/GE-341 - Demographic Challenges Glblzd - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain SO/HA/GS-325 - Family & Gender in Medieval I - IES Study in Tuscany, Italy, Italy SO/HS-350 - The Black Death/ Aftermath - IES Study in Tuscany, Italy, Italy SO/SL/EC-335 - Community Development Context - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa SOC-10060 - Ireland in Compar. Persp. - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SOC-2502524 - SocChangeInnovationThroughFood - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark SOC-251 - Gender, Minority, & Culture - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic SOC-255 - Anthropology of Religion - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic SOC-280 - Social Anthropology - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic SOC-300 - Sociology of Food - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic SOC-300 - Sociology of Food - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic SOC-30680 - Climate Change and Other Risks - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SOC-30680 - Climate Change and Other Risks - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SOC-325 - Sports in Irish Society - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland SOC-341 - Contemporary irish Society - Boston U. Internship, Dublin, Ireland SOC-354 - Social Changes in Czech Republ - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic SOC-358 - Underdogs, Delinquints, Rebels - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece SOC-360 - Sociology of Dissent - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece SOC-378 - Race,Ethnicity,Gnd in US&Czech - CIEE/AIFS -Charles University, Czech Republic SOC-4118 - Sociology of Gender & PopCltr - Arcadia/Butler-Univ. Limerick, Ireland SOC-4ABLLIB1 - Lives of London - King's College, London, United Kingdom SOC-X - Sociology of the Family - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark SOCI-2001 - Global Civil Rights - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France SOCI-2001 - Global Civil Rights - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica SOCI-3000 - Narratives of ID & Social Chng - SIT, South Africa, South Africa SOCI-3001 - IslamicCulture/Art-MuslimSpain - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain SOCI-3001 - IslamicCulture/Art-MuslimSpain - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain SOCI-3001 - Gender & Sexuality - CIEE Paris-Open Campus, France SOCI-3003 - Social Justice&Community Servi - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain SOCI-3003 - Migration & Globalization - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal SOCI-3003 - Migration & Globalization - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal SOCI-3003 - Migration & Globalization - CIEE, Lang & Culture, Portugal, Portugal SOCI-3003 - Atlantic Crossing - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica SOCI-3003 - Atlantic Crossing - CIEE Costa Rica, Costa Rica SOCI-3003 - Race in the Netherlands - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands SOCY-1030 - Intro to Hlth, Illness & Socie - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia SOCY-3020 - Medicine, Markets & Health - Arcadia Univ. of Queensland, Australia SOES-330 - Strategies Social & Enviro Sus - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy SOIRPO-347 - The Wall: Borders, Viol,&Separ - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy SOSC-343 - Intro to Sociology - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom SOU-33032 - Race, Ethnicity and Identity - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland SOU-33052 - Social Stratificatn & Inequali - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland SOU-33081 - Globalization & Development - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland SOU-33122 - Understanding Social Change - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland SOYC-3235 - The Original Youth Culture - Arcadia:London Internship Prog, United Kingdom SP PO-327 - Narrative of the Rainbow - IES, CapeTown, Cltr & Devel, South Africa SP-101 - Span Lang Cntxt-Novice Abrd I - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-201 - SpanLang&Cult:NoviceAbroad III - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-201 - Span Lang&Cult:Nov Abroad III - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain SP-216 - European Politics - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland SP-234 - International Relations - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland SP-301 - Span Lang & Cltr: Emrgng Ind I - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-301I - SpnLng Cntx-Emrg Ind Abr Inten - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-302 - SpnshLang &Cult-EmrgIndpAbr II - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-3144 - Political Liberty - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland SP-320 - Spanish for Hlthcare Practitio - IES University of Santiago, Chile SP-323 - Bus Span - Emrgng Indpndt Abrd - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-325 - Spanish for Global Health - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-326 - Spanish for Social Justice - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-347 - Span Convrstn - Emrgng Ind Abr - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-351 - SpanishLang Cntxt IndepAbrd I - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SP-351 - Span Lang Cntxt: Indep Abrd I - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain SP-352 - Span Lang in Con:Ind Abroad II - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain SP-353 - Span Lang Cntxt:Indep Abrd III - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain SP-403 - SpanLang Contxt:EmrgngComp III - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain SP-405-02 - Advanced Spanish II - IFSA Butler, Merida, Mex, Mexico SP-408 - Adv Spanish & Peruvian Culture - IFSA-Butler Peru, Peru SP-482 - Creative Writing Workshop - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain SPAB-4011 - ContrastiveGrammar Spanish-Eng - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain SPAN-1001 - Beginning Spanish - CIEE Liberal Arts- Barcelona, Spain SPAN-1002 - Pre Intermediate Spanish - CIEE Liberal Arts- Barcelona, Spain SPAN-2001 - Intermediate Spanish - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain SPAN-2003 - Spanish for Natural Science II - SIT Tropical Ecol, Panama City, Panama SPAN-202A - Produccion Oral Y Escrita 4 - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain SPAN-202B - Nociones De Gramatia - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain SPAN-246 - Conversacion en Espanol II - CIEE Bus & Society, Seville, Spain SPAN-2503 - Spnsh for Social &Cult Stds I - SIT- Cul Iden, Soc Justice, Chile SPAN-3001 - Advanced Spanish - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain SPAN-3002 - Adv Spanish GrammarCompConvrst - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain SPAN-3003 - Spanish for Professionals III - SIT Tropical Ecol, Panama City, Panama SPAN-3003 - Spnsh for Social &Cult Stds II - SIT- Cul Iden, Soc Justice, Chile SPAN-311 - Advanced Spanish - Pablo de Olavide Universidad, Spain SPAN-3501 - Intensive Adv. Spanish Grammar - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain SPAN-3503 - Spnsh for Social &CultStds III - SIT- Cul Iden, Soc Justice, Chile SPAN-4002 - Advncd Spanish Gram, Comp, Con - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain SPAN-4003 - Spanish for Heritage Learners - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain SPAN-4006 - Advncd Spnsh Wrtng & Stylistic - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain SPAN-4007 - Spanish for Health Care Profes - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain SPAN-4007 - Spanish for Health Professions - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain SPN-201 - Intermediate Spanish I - CEA Barcelona, Spain SPN-301 - Advanced Spanish - CEA Barcelona, Spain SPN-303 - Conversational Spanish: Daily - CEA Barcelona, Spain SPN-303 - Advanced Conver Spanish: Daily - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain SPN-311 - Advanced Conversational Spanis - CEA Barcelona, Spain SPN-350 - Food & Culture in Spain - CEA, Seville, Spain, Spain SPN-411 - Advanced Spnsh & Grammar Wrtng - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain SPOL-10020 - Contemporary Irish Welfare Sta - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SPOL-30220 - Social Policy, Justice, Enviro - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SPS-07 - Sociology - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy SRHC-1 - Risk & Health Communications - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands SSJ-10070 - Exploring Gender - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SSJ-201150 - Political Economy & Social Jus - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SSJ-30080 - Global Masculinities - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland SUS-321 - Smart Cities, Sustainable Ecn - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy SUST-300 - Exprncng Sustainable Ital Food - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy SWRK-3311 - Leadership for Intrdiscip Hlth - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy SWRK-3311 - Leadership for Intrdiscip Hlth - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy S_D-1 - Divrsty1: In/Exclusion&Inequal - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands S_PS-X - Philosophy of Science - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands T-004 - Macroeconomics - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy T-029 - Public Economics - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy TEU-00011 - A World to Discover - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland TEU-00031 - Design Thinking - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland TH-390 - Playwriting Workshop - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom THES-3002 - Contemporary British Theatre - CIEE,Bus & Comm,London,England, United Kingdom THET-08015 - Ethics and Society - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom THET-08017 - Christn Theol Doctrine & Debat - Arcadia/Butler-U of Edinburgh, United Kingdom THL-212_363 - Early Christianity EternalCity - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy THL-360 - History and Theology of Papacy - PC in Rome/CEA- Italy, Italy THTR-3310 - Theatre in the City - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom THTR-3319 - Performnc Irish Cntxt: Per/Man - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland TI-2108 - Intro to Paleoclimatology - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland TR-101 - Introductory Italian - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy UAB-X - Strategic Management the Firm - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain UAB-X - Strategic Management the Firm - IES Barcelona Liberal Arts, Spain UCK-01150-01 - World IssuesEnglish thru Media - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South URBS-3345 - Analyzing &Exploring Glbl City - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland URBS-3345 - Analyzing & Exploring GlblCity - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom URBS-336 - Radical Geography & Feminst Ur - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece US-315 - Urban Design & Sustainability - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy US/AH-230 - Roman Architecture Urban Desig - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy US/ES-304 - Frieburg Green City - IES, Freiberg, Germany, Germany US/SO/AH-320 - Rome as a Living Museum - IES-Rome, Italy, Italy USSF-300 - Sacred Florence Walks - Fairfield Univ-Florence, Italy, Italy UTS-21511 - Global Operations & Supply Mgt - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia UTS-24309 - Marketing Research - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia VRN-252 - Photojournalism - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic WA/LT-331 - ContempSpn/LtnAm Women Writers - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain WA/LT-331 - ContempSpn/LtnAm Women Writers - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain WGS-ARTIC - FreedomDream-Foundnts inGender - Arcadia/Butler-Macquarie U., Australia WL-101 - Elementary Italian Language - Sant'Anna Univ,Sorrento,Italy, Italy WL-102 - Elementary Italian Language - Sant'Anna Univ,Sorrento,Italy, Italy WNST-3362 - Feminist Lndn:Activism in City - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom WNST-3362 - Feminist Lndn:Activism in City - CAPA,Glbl&BUS,Syd,Flor,London, United Kingdom WS HS-366 - From Aphra Behn to the Blitz - IES,Hlth Policy Pract, England, United Kingdom WS/HS-366 - From Aphra Behn to the Blitz - Queen Mary Univ of London, United Kingdom X-00624 - Advanced Research Method Psych - API-Bus,Hum,ScSci,Lisbon,Port, Portugal X-00730 - Qualitative Methods in Psychol - API-Bus,Hum,ScSci,Lisbon,Port, Portugal X-020400 - Leadership in Work Teams & Org - API-Bus,Hum,ScSci,Lisbon,Port, Portugal X-1 - Writing the City Barcelona - CEA Barcelona, Spain X-1 - Politics,War & Ecn:Age of Glbl - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-1 - Organization & Mgmt Human Reso - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain X-1 - Mujeres en Espana - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain X-1 - Women, Art & Identity - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-1 - Women & Art - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-1 - Women & Art - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-1 - Microbio & Clinical Infectolog - IES University of Santiago, Chile X-1 - Witchcraft & Magic - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-1 - Lineary Algebra - Arcadia Univ.Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom X-1 - Social & EconAspects of Irelan - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland X-1 - Doing Business in China - IES, Shanghai, China, China X-1 - Essentials of Marketing - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-1 - Beginning Korean Language I - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South X-1 - Criminal Justice - Arcadia-Umbria Inst, Perugia, Italy X-1 - Intro to Archaeology - IFSA Butler, Merida, Mex, Mexico X-1 - Intro to Archaeology - IFSA Butler, Merida, Mex, Mexico X-1 - Programacion de Poe Intermedio - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-1 - Scared Spaces:Pantheon to Meir - PC Rome Humanities Program, Italy X-1 - Children & Health - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland X-1 - Linear Algebra - IES, Madrid, Spain, Spain X-1 - Peacebuilding, Edu & Soc Justi - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland X-1 - Peacebuilding, Edu & Soc Justi - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland X-1 - Peacebuilding, Edu & Soc Justi - Stranmillis, Belfast,UK, Ireland X-1 - International Finance - CEA, Int Internship, Prague, Czech Republic X-1 - Storytelling Workshop - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-10 - Circular Economy - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-10 - Urban Economics - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-10 - Music Business in Australia - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-10 - Politic Mkt Campaigns & Voters - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-10 - Power of Mind: Psych Performan - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-100 - Glued to Screen:TV,Norms & Clt - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-1001 - JSL: Intro Japanese - CET- Tokyo, Japan, Japan X-10015 - Social Entrepreneurship - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-101 - Neuroethics - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-102 - Virtual Worlds & Social Media - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-103 - Future Now:SciFi,Flm,Lit,Video - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-1031 - The Performing & Fine Arts - CET- Tokyo, Japan, Japan X-1032 - Japanese Technology Companies - CET- Tokyo, Japan, Japan X-1035 - Power of Japanese Pop Culture - CET- Tokyo, Japan, Japan X-104 - Danish Language & Culture - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-106 - Royalty in Land of Equality - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-107 - Philosophy of Mental Health - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-108 - Environmental Impact of Humans - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-109 - Health Promotion & Disease Pre - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-11 - Entertainment Industry AsiaPac - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-11 - Medical Diagnostics - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-110 - Graphic Design Foundatn Studio - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-110 - Graphic Design Foundatn Studio - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-111 - Artificial NeuralNtwrks &DpLrn - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-112 - Creative Writing - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-113 - Waste Mgt Systems in Europe - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-114 - Anthropology of Food - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-115 - Cntr Terrorism&Intelligence An - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-116 - Strategic Planning for Leaders - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-117 - Kierkegaard's Authorship - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-118 - The Making of Modern Self - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-119 - Migrants,Minorities,Belong Den - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-12 - Cross-Cultural Communications - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-12 - Gender,Equality&SexualityScand - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-120 - Environmental Economics - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-121 - Travel Writing - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-122 - The Good Life - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-123 - Renewable Energy Systems - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-124 - Designing Communicat Campaigns - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-125 - Environmental Policy in Practi - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-126 - What's so Funny - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-127 - European Game of Politics - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-128 - Terrorism&Counter from Eur Per - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-129 - Gut Reaction:Human Microbes - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-13 - Sex Ed & Sexual Reform in Euro - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-130 - Psychology of Eating Disorders - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-131 - Cognitive Neurosci of Sleep - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-132 - Digital Fashion and Body - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-133 - Politics and Ethics of Food - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-133 - Politics and Ethics of Food - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-134 - History of Emotion&Mental Heal - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-135 - Age of AI:Ethics and Publ Poli - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-135 - Age of AI:Ethics and Publ Poli - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-136 - Podcast Production: Sound - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-137 - Sports Economics - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-138 - Human Trafficking: Global Con - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-139 - Data-Informed Business Strateg - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-140 - Eco-Pyschology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-141 - European Food History - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-141 - European Food History - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-142 - Cyberwarfare - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-143 - Modern Frames:Europ Art&Cinema - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-144 - Illustrating Science - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-145 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-146 - Corporate Finance-EuroCase Std - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-147 - Retention Nurses Hospital Sect - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-15 - Biolegality, Human Bodies &Law - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-16 - Glued to the Screen - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-2 - Strategic Brand Management - CEA Barcelona, Spain X-2 - Hist of the Presnt Spain Today - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-2 - History of Public Administrati - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain X-2 - Spanish Economics in the EU - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain X-2 - Ethics of Travel - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2 - Eros and Love in Ancient Rome - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-2 - Eros and Love in Ancient Rome - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-2 - Biology of Micro Organisms - IES University of Santiago, Chile X-2 - Queering the Gothic - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-2 - Statistical & Thermal Physics - Arcadia Univ.Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom X-2 - Basic Operations Management - CEA, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland X-2 - International Marketing - IES, Shanghai, China, China X-2 - Global Marketing - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-2 - Philosophy in East Asian Liter - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South X-2 - Lengua Maya - IFSA Butler, Merida, Mex, Mexico X-2 - Programacn DeGramitica Intemed - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-2 - Artistotle & St. Augustine Hap - PC Rome Humanities Program, Italy X-2 - Technology and Health - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland X-2 - Logical Analysis - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-2 - Art Analysis:What is ModernArt - IES-Vienna, Austria X-2005 - Prehistoria - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-2006 - Introduccio als Estudis Litera - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-20131 - Investment Banking - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-20261 - Real Estate Finance - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-20307 - Industrial Marketing - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-20402996 - Breast Cancer & Mammography Ef - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-20543 - Social Media Marketing - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-20544 - Digital & InteractiveMarketing - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-21 - Myths & Legends of Brit & Ire - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-21214 - Business and Social Impact - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-24 - Danish Politics&Society - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2402086 - Positive Psychology - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-2402097 - Research Asst:Social Cognition - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-2402235 - PostcolonialEuro:Narrative,Nat - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-24023O5 - Int'l Financial Management - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2402592 - Neuropsychology Brain Injury - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2402812 - Partners&Rivals:EU-US Relation - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2402813 - Religion and Politics in Europ - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2402813 - Religion and Politics in Europ - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2402813 - Religion and Politics in Europ - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2402976 - Research Assist:Neurmetabolism - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404016 - Smart & Sustainable Cities - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-2404079 - Psychology of Violence & Hate - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-2404212 - Day After, Rewriting Hist WW2 - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404224 - Ethical&Sci LegacyNaziMedCrime - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404280 - Game Development Program &Prac - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404281 - Artificial Intelligence - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404419 - Innovation Design Thinking - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404419 - Innovation Design Thinking - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404636 - Public Mental Health - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404682 - Neuroimaging Disordered Brain - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404682 - Neuroimaging Disordered Brain - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404850 - Cultural Diversity&Integration - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-2404893 - History of Sexuality in Europe - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-24309 - Marketing Analytics & Decision - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-26 - Colloquial Spanish - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-27 - Gender Studies - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-28 - Human Rights Education - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-29 - Ideology and Public School - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-3 - Public Hlth & Sanitary Organiz - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain X-3 - Public Hlth & Sanitary Organiz - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain X-3 - Towards a European Society - Internship Francophone Eur-IFE, France X-3 - Contemporary Spanish Cinema - BU Internship, Madrid, Spain X-3 - Social Cognition in Adults - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-3 - Italy's Holocaust - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-3 - Histology - IES University of Santiago, Chile X-3 - Sex,Scandal&VictorianSensatFic - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-3 - Feminist Theory - Arcadia Univ.Univ of Oxford, United Kingdom X-3 - Chinese Marketplace - IES, Shanghai, China, China X-3 - International Business Finance - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-3 - East Asian International Relat - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South X-3 - HlthScience & PublicHlth Spain - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-3 - Adolescents in Ireland - Arcadia/Butler-Ntn'l U Ireland, Ireland X-3 - B&C Perception, Attnt & Action - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-30 - Religion & Society in Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-30 - Religion & Society in Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-30 - Religion & Society in Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-30015 - Marketing - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-30015 - Marketing - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-30150 - Intro to Options & Futures - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-30180 - Equity Portfolio Management - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-30439 - Green Marketing - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-30576 - Institutions & Global Strategy - IES/Milan, Italy, Italy X-31 - History of Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-31 - History of Spain - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-31102 - Game Design Studio I - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-31265 - Communication for IT Professio - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-32 - Spanish Cinema - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-33 - Great Latin Americans Writers - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-33 - Worlds Beyond Oxford - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-340 - Transatlantic Identities - IES Paris Business Program, France X-340 - Transatlantic Identities - IES Paris Business Program, France X-35 - Short Story in Spanish-Thr&Pra - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-36 - Spanish Art History - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-37 - Spanish Language (Proficiency) - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-37 - Advanced Creative Writing - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-37233 - Linear Algebra - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-38 - Terrorism&Victims in Spain&Wor - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-38 - Vikings: Myth & Reality - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-39 - Cultural Studies - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-39 - Exploring Shakespeare - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-4 - Philosophy of Language - CIEE Adv Lib Arts- Seville, Spain X-4 - Programa Gastronomia - CIEE Liberal Arts- Seville, Spain X-4 - Happiness Lab - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-4 - Geopolitics of Ancient Mediter - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-4 - Essentials of Finance - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-4 - East Asian Art History - CIEE Seoul, South Korea, Korea, South X-4 - Traditional Song & Span Societ - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-4 - Christian Discipleship - PC Rome Humanities Program, Italy X-4 - Motivation and Cognition - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-40 - Litarary Spain of Cervantes - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-40 - Jane Austen - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-400433 - Philosophy and Ethics - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands X-400487 - Computer Networks - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands X-401015 - Logic & Modelling - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands X-401015 - Logic & Modelling - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands X-401049 - Automata and Complexity - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands X-41 - Modern British - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-41082 - Intro to Data Engineering - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-42 - Romans in Britain - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-43 - Advanced Tutorial: English - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-43 - Advanced Tutorial: English - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-44 - British TV Period Drama - Advanced Studies in England, United Kingdom X-48730 - Cybersecurity - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-4CRIM004W - Psychology & Crime - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom X-5 - Glblztn, Human Dev & Sustainab - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-5 - Masculinities in Scandinavia - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-5 - Global Rome - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-5 - Global Rome - Trinity College Rome Campus, Italy X-5 - Essentials of Operations Manag - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-5 - Speaking & Writing Skills - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-5 - B&C Learning and Memory - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-5 - Trafficking in Human Beings - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece X-51637 - Espanol Nivel Inicial - CIEE Lang&Cult- Barcelona, Spain X-51638 - Espanol Preintermedio - CIEE Lang&Cult- Barcelona, Spain X-51639 - Espanol Itermedio - CIEE Lang&Cult- Barcelona, Spain X-51640 - Espanol Avanzado - CIEE Lang&Cult- Barcelona, Spain X-51641 - Espanol Superior - CIEE Lang&Cult- Barcelona, Spain X-51642 - Espanol Para Hispanohablantes - CIEE Lang&Cult- Barcelona, Spain X-52680 - Digital Media Industries - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-55 - Fleeing Across Borders - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-56 - Data-Informed Business Stategy - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-57 - Bus Potential of Generative AI - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-59 - Narrative Medicine - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-5PSYC026W - Humanistic Approach Psychother - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom X-5SOCL006W - Emotional Life - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom X-6 - Activismo y defense de los ani - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-6 - Creative Writing-Playwriting - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland X-6 - International Marketing - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-6 - History of Art in Spain - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-6 - B&C Control & Consciousness - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-6 - Particle Physics - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece X-6 - Epidemiology Swedish Case Stdy - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-60 - European Clinical Psychology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-61 - Danish Design - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-62 - Art in the Making - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-63 - CognitivNeurosciConciousnesLab - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-64 - Polar Biology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-65 - Biol Conservatn & Biodiversity - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-66 - Biol Cnsrvtn &Biodiversity Lab - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-68 - Disaster Management Leadership - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-69 - Healthcare Sys Comparative App - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-6PSYC021W - Consciousness - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom X-6PSYCOO4W - Cognitive Disorders - Univ Westminster, London, Eng, United Kingdom X-7 - Ques es noticia? Verdad, desin - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-7 - Language & Culture - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland X-7 - International Finance - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-7 - Spanish Literature - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-7 - Life Courses, Family & Health - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-7 - Studies Art History of Greece - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece X-7 - Studies Art History of Greece - CYA, Athens, Greece, Greece X-7 - Scandanavian Text & Fash Wkshp - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-70 - Human Health & Disease - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-71 - Food & Identity - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-72 - Immunology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-73 - Guilty Pleasures of Pop Cultur - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-74 - Medical Stimulation Lab - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-75 - Gender Perspectives Human Righ - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-76 - The Beautiful Game - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-77 - Medical Ethics - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-78 - Psychology of Adolescence - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-79 - Neurological Disorder & Diseas - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-79 - Neurological Disorder & Diseas - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-8 - Emergencia climatica, ecologis - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-8 - Databases & Info Systems - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland X-8 - Organizational Behavior - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-8 - Spanish Grammar - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-8 - Black Mirror - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-8 - Public Health & Migration - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-80 - Development Disorders - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-81 - Social Brain - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-82 - Meaning of Style - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-83 - Women and Leadership - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-84 - Cyberwarefare - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-84114 - Industrial Design Digital Comm - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-85 - New Nordic Design - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-86 - Medical Biotechnology&Drug Dev - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-87 - Environmental Philosophy - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-87539 - Webmedia - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-87539 - Webmedia - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-87539 - Webmedia - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-87549 - Creative Code - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-87549 - Creative Code - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-88 - Applied Climate Change Cases - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-88805 - Intro to Photography - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-88805 - Intro to Photography - Univ of Technology,Australia, Australia X-89 - Investing for Impact & Change - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-9 - Sov, Dem & Constlsm in Europe - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-9 - Information Systems - GAV Asia-Pacific, Sydney, Aust, Australia X-9 - Soc&Demographic Chngs in Spain - Arcadia Univ, Granada, Spain, Spain X-9 - Eternal Pursuit of Happiness - CIEE, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands X-9 - Public Health Policy in Practi - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden X-90 - Stratagies Mktg Entertain Indu - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-91 - Narrative Medicine - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-91 - Narrative Medicine - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-92 - Creative Industries:Bus,Innv,P - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-92 - Creative Industries:Bus,Innv,P - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-93 - Genomics in Clinical Practice - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-95 - Ways of Seeing - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-96 - WhoWatching:Surveillnc Art&Clt - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-96 - WhoWatching:Surveillnc Art&Clt - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-97 - Strategic Communications - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-98 - Garden Art in European Culture - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-98 - Garden Art in European Culture - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-99 - Gender & Sexuality in Scandina - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-X - Developm,Environ,SocialJustice - CIEE Bus&Cultre Prog-Barcelona, Spain X-X - Spanish Literature 19-20 Cent. - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain X-X - Euro Storytelling: Myth/Marvel - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-X2 - Positive Psychology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark X-XX - SpanishLit Cervantes 16-17Cent - CIEE Liberal Arts- Madrid, Spain XB-0025 - Computational Intelligence - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands XB-400009 - Computer Organization - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands XB-40007 - Software Design - CEA Stem in Amsterdam, Netherl, Netherlands XHOS-1003 - isiXhosa - SIT, South Africa, South Africa XL-5212 - Groups & Inter-Group Relations - API-Bus,Hum,ScSci,Lisbon,Port, Portugal XX-12 - Globalization & European Econ - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-13 - Hacking your Health, Sci-Exerc - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland XX-13 - Hacking your Health, Sci-Exerc - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland XX-2 - Gang Crime in Scandinavia - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-21 - Neuroplasticity - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-22 - The Future is Feminine - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-22 - The Future is Feminine - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-23 - Computer Graphics - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-25 - Strategies for Urban Livabilit - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-26 - Climate, Glaciers&Human Impact - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-27 - Ice Cores and Ice Ages - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-28 - WaysofSeeing:StrytlngThruPhoto - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-29 - Climate Chng&Radical Pol Mvmnt - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-29 - Climate Chng&Radical Pol Mvmnt - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-3 - Arts of Japan - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland XX-30 - SustainableFood:Production&Con - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-31 - Urban Ecology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-32 - Health Beyond Borders - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-33 - Under the Influence - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-34 - Innovation & Entreprnshp Europ - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-35 - Bus Ldrshp NavigatingEthic Dil - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-36 - Nordic Mytholoy - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-37 - Entrepreneurship Practicum - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-37 - Entrepreneurship Practicum - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-38 - Urban Exploration Photo Wrkshp - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-38 - Urban Exploration Photo Wrkshp - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-39 - Glbl Supply Chain Mgt - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-4 - Swedish Language & Culture - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XX-40 - Concept of Evil - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-41 - European Business Strategies - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-41 - European Business Strategies - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-41 - European Business Strategies - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-42 - Epigenetics&Impact Hlth&Diseas - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-43 - Conspiracy Theories & Historic - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-43 - Conspiracy Theories & Historic - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-44 - Criminology & Criminal Justice - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-45 - Cognitive Neuroscience of Crea - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-45 - Cognitive Neuroscience of Crea - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-46 - Stolen Childhds:Migrants&Refug - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-47 - Neuroscience Religion &Atheism - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-47 - Neuroscience Religion &Atheism - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-48 - CitizenSciencBiodivClimateChng - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-49 - Psychopharmacology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-50 - Economics of Crime - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-50 - Economics of Crime - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-51 - Complex Networks - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-52 - Creative Marketing - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-53 - Neurobiology Learning & Memory - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-53 - Neurobiology Learning & Memory - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-54 - Intl Human Law &Armed Conflict - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-55 - Podcast Productions - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-56 - Eco-Psychology - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-X6 - Digital Media in Marketing - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-XX1 - Visual Journal - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XX-XX2 - Identity Lab - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XXX-14 - Forensic Psychology - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XXX-15 - Forensic Psychology Lab - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XXX-16 - Psychology of Emerging Adult - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XXX-17 - Comparative Econ:GlblRisk/Euro - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XXX-18 - Behavioral Economics - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XXX-19 - Int'l Investment&Portfolio Mgt - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XXX-20 - Public Mental Health - DIS,Stockholm,Sweden, Sweden XXX-X2 - Epidemiology-Danish Case Stdie - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark XXXX-XXX - Prostitution Sex Trade in Euro - Danish Institute Study Abroad, Denmark ZOOL-20020 - Animal Behavior - Arcadia/Butler-Univ College, Ireland ZOOL-20020 - Animal Behavior - Arcadia/Butler-Trinity College, Ireland
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